FMF Exam - LCE Questions - Test A - Study Cards Flashcards
The mission of a MLG general support CLR includes providing intermediate supply, distribution system support, intermediate maintenance and health service support to the war fighters across the spectrum of conflict in any environment.
True or False?
Ref: 131.9
What statement is the mission statement for Combat Logistics Company?
Ref: 132.3
Provide intermediate supply support and intermediate motor transport and engineer ground equipment maintenance to their Marine Air Wings (MAWs)
How many functions of supply are there?
Ref: 134
Six (6)
What type of Material does Class II cover?
Ref: 134.3
Which is NOT one of the 12 tasks of Supply Battalion?
Ref: 134.2
Provide 3d echelon maintenance
Which company provides general class V supply support to the MEF?
Ref: 134.7
Ammunition Company
What type of material does Class VII cover?
Ref: 134.3
Major end items
The restoration of an item to a completely serviceable condition as prescribed by maintenance serviceability standards is known as what?
Ref: 133.24
What is the mission of Medical Battalion?
Ref: 135.1
To provide health service support to the operating units of I MEF to save every life
Which echelon of maintenance includes cleaning, preservation, lubrication , adjustment, minor repairs, and is usually performed by the user or equipment operator?
Ref: 133.9
First echelon
The mission of Maintenance Battalion is to provide intermediate-level maintenance support to include wheeled and tracked vehicle recovery, salvage and disposal, and general maintenance support for I MEF’s ground equipment.
True or False?
Ref: 133.1
Which is not a category of maintenance that exists within the Marine Corps?
Ref: 133.8
Preventive Maintenance
Which is not one of Medical Battalion’s six (6) tasks?
Ref: 135.2
Assist with and coordinate professional matters
How many tasks does the Surgical Support Company, Medical Battalion have?
Ref: 135.6
Six (6)
What type of support does a Shock-Trauma Platoon provide?
Ref: 135.7
Direct support
What term is defined as “A source document of information for logistics planning with respect to selected material authorized for use by organizations, activities, and detachments of the Marine Corps, both regular and reserve?
Ref: 129.3
Table of Authorized Material (TAM)
A Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) normally deploys with the logistics capability to sustain itself with some classes of supply for up to how many days?
Ref: 129.9
15 Days
A MEF normally deploys with the logistics capability to sustain itself with some classes of supply for up to how many days?
Ref: 129.9
60 Days
A Limited Technical Inspection (LTI) is generally directed to determine the extent and level of maintenance required to restore equipment to a specified condition or to check for serviceability status.
True or False?
Ref: 129.3
Which term is defined as “A document listing equipment which a unit is required to possess and maintain in order to accomplish its mission?
Ref: 129.3
Table of Equipment (T/E)
Logistics is defined as?
Ref: 129.4
The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces
How many levels of logistic support are there?
Ref: 129.5
Three (3)
Operational logistic support is the level of war at which battles and engagements are planned and executed to accomplish military objectives.
True or False?
Ref: 129.4
Which is NOT one of the six (6) functional areas of tactical logistics?
Ref: 129.7
How many principles of logistic support are there?
Ref: 129.7
Seven (7)
Which IS one of the seven principles of logistic support?
Ref: 130.7
Define a Marine Logistic Group
Ref: 130
A permanently organized grouping of functional components that provides logistic combat element support above the capability of supported units to all elements of the MEF
What is the MLG staffed and equipped to support?
Ref: 130
All of the above: one Division, four MEUs, and one Wing
How many tasks does the Command Element (CE) of the MLG have?
Ref: 130.2
Six (6)
The MLG CE provides _________ support above the organic capabilities of supported elements of the MAGTF in the functional areas of LCE during deployment and employment of the MEF
Ref: 130.3
Direct and General
Which tasks are NOT performed by the CE of the MLG?
Ref: 130.4
Provides logistic combat support to a MAGTF maneuver element
The mission of MLG Combat Logistic Regiment (FWD) is?
Ref: 129.7
Provide command and control, administration, communications, food services, landing support and security support for the MLG
Which company provides support at assault beaches, transport terminals, and helicopter landing zones?
Ref: 131.7
Landing Support Company
Which is NOT a part of the Military Police Company mission?
Ref: 131.2
Economy control
Which company does NOT fall under CLR-17?
Ref: 131.1
Combat Logistics Company
How many tasks does CLR (FWD) have?
Ref: 131.2
Eight (8)
CLB provides a full range of expeditionary Combat Service Support (CSS) in direct support to the Ground Combat Element (GCE), Aviation Combat Element (ACE) or Command Element (CE) of the _________ to accomplish all assigned missions.
Ref: 132.1
The mission of the Engineering Support Battalion is to provide direct engineering support of an expeditionary nature to the MEF.
True or False?
Ref: 136.1
How many tasks does the Engineering Support Battalion have?
Ref: 134.2
Which task is NOT one of the Engineering Support Battalion’s tasks?
Ref: 136.2
Provide Bulk IV and IV(A) support
The mission of Dental Battalion is to provide direct support, dental health care to the MEF.
True or False?
Ref: 135.1
How many Dental Companies are there within Dental Battalion?
Ref: 135.1
Three (3)
Which task is NOT assigned to Dental Battalion?
Ref: 135.2
Provide administrative, organic supply and light motor transportation assets
Who, within Dental Battalion, coordinates professional matters such as quality assurance, infection control and dental readiness?
Ref: 135.4
H&S Company
Combat Logistics Regiment 1 (CLR-1) provides direct and general support to 1st MARDIV.
True or False?
Ref: 132.1
Engineer Support Battalion is composed of how many different companies?
Ref: 136.2
Six (6)
Define the following acronym, HSAP.
Ref: 135.10
Health SERVICE Augmentation Program
What echelon of care are fleet hospitals?
Ref: 135.11
Level III
What is the AMAL number for Sickcall?
Ref: 132.5
How many tasks does CLB and its companies have?
Ref: None