FM Qs Wrong Flashcards
Explain why it may be appropriate to carry out a hypothesis test based on the PMCC
Because scatter diagram illustrates a rough elliptical shape, so it suggests a bivariate normal distribution.
- also if there’s two big clusters
Spearman’s hypothesis
H0 - there is no association between x and y
H1 - there is association between x and y
Define significance level
The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true
Discuss briefly what the contingency excel table suggests
- go with each type, e.g:
Type 1 - large contributions to test statistic of __ and __ show that fewer than expected are _ and more than expected are __
Type 2 - for type 2, small contributions of ___, so as expected
Type 3 - ….
Interpolation vs extrapolation
Interpolation good estimate and reliable, extrapolation is probs unreliable
Comment on the fit of the regression line
Because r^2 = ____, fit is bad/moderate/ good
And the points lie fairly far/close from the line of best fit
Lil uniform distribution
Uniform on values {1,2,3….n}
Much larger sample size =
Smaller critical value
Residual =
Real - calculated
Conditions for binomial (4)
- fixed number of observations
- each observation is independent
- each observation is either success or fail
- probability is constant
Conditions to have position distribution
- all events independent of each other
- rate of events through time is constant (mean)
- mean = variance roughly
Explain why for proper inference, PMCC sample should be randomly selected
Because then the probability basis on which the sample has been selected is known
Conditions for geometric distribution
- independent trials
- binary - success or fail
- chance of success is the same each trial
Degrees of freedom tips and tricks
1 - go from final tableau - after possibly merging columns due to small yute
2 - if testing for poisson binomial, you are estimating parameters, so v - 1, then -1 for the merged column
Student concludes no correlation between variables in the summer months, ctm about the students conclusion
- result of hypothesis test always has uncertainty, and then expand related to that question