FM CCT Notes Flashcards
FM Management Interview / Consultation
- Sx
- DDx
- Red flags: Trauma, Infection, Inflammation, Malignancy
- Causes
- Control, Compliance, Complications, Comorbidity, Lifestyle - PMH
- Medications
- Drug allergy - FH
- SH
- Smoking, Drinking
- Diet
- Exercise
- Occupation
- Weight, BMI
- Live with whom -
Impact on ADL (Bio-Psycho-Social)
- 對你日常生活有咩影響
- 對你心理有咩影響
- 對你社交有咩影響 - RICE
- BATHE (for mental health problem)
4P + Barrier (for Management interview)
- Precipitating: 最近有無野發生?
- Perpetuating / Barrier: 有咩令你做唔到?
- Protective: 有咩可以促使你做得到, 有咩對你黎講最重要? - Management
- Reassure ICE
- Explain: Pathophysiology, nature, course
- Advice Non-drug intervention
- Prescription + SE of drug
- Referral: Sick leave
- Investigation: H. stix, Urine dipstick, CBC, LRFT, TFT, FG, HbA1c, Lipid profile, ECG
- Observe: Red flag advice
- Prevention: Further episode of same problem, Secondary problems e.g. stroke, Anticipatory care e.g. flu vaccine, pap smear
- Red-flag symptom advice
SOAP form
1. HPI
- Sx
- DDx
- Red flags: Trauma, Infection, Inflammation, Malignancy
- Causes
- Control, Compliance, Complications, Comorbidity, Lifestyle
2. PMH
- Medications
- Drug allergy
3. FH
4. SH
- Smoking, Drinking
- Diet
- Exercise
- Occupation
- Weight, BMI
- Live with whom
5. Impact on ADL (Bio-Psycho-Social)
- 對你日常生活有咩影響
- 對你心理有咩影響
- 對你社交有咩影響
1. P/E
- Temp, BP, Pulse, RR, SaO2
- Cervical LN
- Look, Feel (Temp, Tenderness, ROM, Swelling), Move (ROM, Power)
- GI need PR exam
- Important negatives
- Investigations
1. Dx + DDx
2. Bio-Psycho-Social
1. Drug name
2. Preparation
3. Dosage
4. Route
5. Frequency
6. Duration
7. Amount
Common investigations in FM (self notes)
- H’stix
- Urine dipstick
- FG, HbA1c
- Lipid profile
- Proctoscopy
Smoking / Alcohol cessation
- Background
- When started
- Why
- How much - Dependence Sx
- Craving, Compulsion
- Withdrawal, Tolerance
- Neglect, Persist - CAGE
- Impact
- Bio
- Psycho
- Social - Quit
- Prior attempt
- Current attitude
- Barrier / Facilitator - Drug allergy
- R: Harmful effects
- A: Avoid trigger, Other hobbies, Set a date
- P: NRT (smoking), Naltrexone, BDZ (alcohol)
- R: Quitting services, Support group
- I: CBC, LRFT, FG, Lipid
- O: 3/12
- P: Health screening, Vaccination
Non-drug intervention (常用)
- Psychoeducation
- Relaxation techniques
- Slow breathing exercises
- Progressive muscle relaxation - Behavioural activation / Exercise
- Sleep hygiene
MSK management
1. Rest
2. Physical modalities
3. Support / Bracing
4. Injection
5. Exercise / Manipulation
6. Activity modification
7. Rehabilitation
1. Drugs
1. Surgery
Fall management
- Correct underlying cause
- Neurological: PD, Stroke, NPH, Dementia
- Vision: Cataract
- CVS: Arrhythmia, Postural hypotension
- Endocrine: Hypoglycaemia
- Drugs: SE
- MSS: Muscle weakness, Gait problem, Frailty
- Extrinsic: Wrong footwear, Home environment - Exercise
- Diet
- Protein
- Ca, Vit D - Non-pharmacological
- Review polypharmacy
- Carer advice: 平安鐘 - Refer
- PT: Strength, Balance, Coordination, Gait training
- OT: Walking aid, Home modification, Footwear
- Dietitian: Vit D3, Ca supplement
Malnutrition management
- Correct underlying cause
- Dental problem
- Dysgeusia (change in taste)
- Dysphagia (Bedside swallowing screen, VFSS, FEES)
- Diseases
- Drugs
- Dementia
- Depression
- Destitution - Exercise
- Diet
- Protein
- Fibre
- Ca, Vit D - Non-pharmacological
- Thickener
- Feeding position
- Herbs / Spices
- Large bowl
- NG / PEG - Pharmacological
- Megestrol (Megace) - Refer
- ST
- Dietitian
Dementia management
- Correct underlying cause
- B12
- Alcohol (AUDIT)
- Depression (GDS)
- Sensory deficit
- CT / MRI brain
- Traumatic brain injury
- Brain tumour - Exercise
- Diet
- Vit B12 - Non-pharmacological
- Home modification
- Good mood
- Social support
- Advanced directive - Pharmacological
- AChE inhibitor: Donepezil, Rivastigmine
- NMDA antagonist: Memantine
- BPSD treatment - Referral
- Geriatrician
- OT
- CP
- Geriatric day hospital, Geriatric day care centre, Dementia day care centre
DDx of Tiredness
- Physiological: Lack of sleep
- Anaemia
- Hypothyroidism
- Malignancy
- Infection
- Depression
- Heart failure
- Other diseases e.g. Myasthenia gravis
DDx of Palpitations
- Arrhythmia
- Anaemia
- Hypoglycaemia
- Hyperthyroidism
- Phaeochromocytoma
- GAD, Panic disorder
Multidisciplinary team
- Geriatrician
- Polypharmacy review
- Drug optimisation
- Interdisciplinary team care
- Drug prescription
- Compensation - Physiotherapy (PT)
- Balance, Coordination, Gait training
- ROM exercise
- Strength exercise
- Physical modalities - Occupational therapy (OT)
- Splint / Prosthesis / Orthosis / Walking aids
- Home environment modification
—> Urinal
—> Shower chair / bed
—> Handrail
—> Ramp
—> O2 therapy
- Vocational training
- ADL assessment + training
- Cognitive assessment + training - Speech therapy (ST)
- Language assessment + Speech training
- Swallowing assessment + Swallowing training
- Tube / PEG feeding
- Consistency of food - Dietitian
- Nutritional assessment - CP
- Counselling
- Psychotherapy - MSW
- Rehab
- Supported employment
- Financial support
- Self-help groups - Community services
- Geriatric day hospital (老人科日間醫院) (assessment, management, rehabilitation)
- Geriatric day care centre (長者日間護理中心) (maintenance of physical condition, social support)
- Dementia day care centre (健智支援服務中心) (cognitive training, care-giver training, social support)
Important numbers
- MUST (Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool): >=2 —> High risk
- Frailty: >=3 (Weight loss, Weakness, Slowness, Low energy, Low activity)
- Sarcopenia: Low muscle mass, Low muscle strength, Low physical performance
- GDS (Geriatric Depression Scale): >=5 —> Mild depression
- TUGT >=15 —> Risk of fall
- AMT <5/6 —> Proceed to MoCA
- MoCA >=26 Normal
—> >16th centile: Normal
—> 16th - 2nd centile: Mild NCD (Neurocognitive disorder)
—> <=7th centile: MCI (Mild cognitive impairment)
—> <=2nd centile: Major NCD
- GAD-7: >=10
- PHQ-9:
—> >=5 Mild depression (Watchful waiting)
—> >=10 Moderate depression (Counselling +/- Pharmacotherapy)
- BMI: >23 Overweight, >25 Obese
- WHR: >0.9 Men, >0.85 Women
- Waist circumference: >90cm Men, >80cm Women
- Pre-DM: IFG >5.6, IGT >7.8, HbA1c >5.7
- Alcohol:
—> AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) >=8 Increased risk, >=16 Harmful, >=20 Dependence
—> CAGE >=2
- 10-year CVS risk: 1-4 Moderate, 5-9 High, >=10 Very high
- DM: FG <=7.2, OGTT <=10, HbA1c <=7
- LDL: 1.8
- BP: 130/80
Exercise for neck, shoulder, elbow, low back, knee, ankle pain
Neck pain:
1. Back and forward bend
2. Head tilt
3. Neck retraction
Shoulder pain:
1. Shoulder shrug
2. Wall angel
Elbow pain:
1. Forearm flexor stretch
2. Forearm extensor stretch
Low back pain:
1. Bridging
2. Extension exercise
3. Quadruped arm / leg raise
Knee pain:
1. Seated knee extension
2. Step up
3. Straight leg raise
Ankle pain:
1. Toe circle
2. Alphabet exercise
3. Towel stretch