FM 3-98 Recon &Security Ops Flashcards
In a moving flank guard, what are the deployment methods?
Sequential: Flank guard crosses the LOD separately. LD is faster. Used when another force has penetrated line of contact or when main body is not in contact with enemy.
Simultaneously: Flank guard crosses LOD with main body. Is appropriate when main body makes its own penetration of enemy defenses along line of contact.
FM3-98 6-73 ; 6-74
What is a guard?
It is a security task to protect the main body by fighting to gain time while also observing & reporting info. & preventing enemy ground observation of & direct fire against main body.
FM3-98 6-58
What is the primary purpose of a screen?
Is to provide early warning to the main body.
FM3-98 6-24
What are screen mission?
They are defensive in nature & accomplished by establishing a series of OPs and patrols to ensure observation of the assumed sector.
FM3-98 6-24
What is critical in a screen, and why?
Depth is critical because it allows reconnaissance handover from element to another w/o displacement from established OPs.
FM3-98 6-24
What does depth provide friendly force in a screen?
The ability to conduct counter reconnaissance to delay, impede, and harass enemy with indirect fires. Causing them to deploy early while preventing enemy from identifying, penetrating, and exploring the screen.
FM3-98 6-24
What missions are given in front of a moving force?
Zone reconnaissance, reconnaissance in force, and guard.
FM3-98 6-26
What are forms of security?
Screen, guard, cover, area security, and local security.
FM3-98 6-21
What is reconnaissance handover?
Action that occurs between two elements in order to coordinate the transfer of information and/or responsibility for observation of potential threat contact, or an assigned area.
FM 3-98 5-80
What are the forms of reconnaissance?
Zone, Area, Route, Reconnaissance in Force.
FM3-98 5-30
What are reconnaissance techniques?
Reconnaissance push and pull
FM3-98 5-10 ; 5-11
What do reconnaissance operation allow to commanders?
Allow Commanders to understand the situation, visualize the battle, and make decisions.
FM3-98 1-1
What do security operations provide?
Security operations provide reaction time and maneuver space to enable decisions and protect the force from unanticipated danger.
FM3-98 1-1
What do reconnaissance and security tasks accomplish?
Answers commanders critical information requirements (CCIR), mitigate risk, identify enemy weakness, and isolate the enemy from sources of strength.
FM3-98 1-1
Effective reconnaissance and security tasks improve situational understanding and help commanders to ?
Understand the tactical, human, and political dynamics within an area of operations. Visualize operations in the context of mission variables (METT-TC). Achieve situational understanding. Develop the situational through action in close contact with enemy and civilian populations. Execute operations with higher degrees of flexibility, adaptability, synchronization, and integration. Identify or create options to seize, retain, exploit the initiative.
FM3-98 1-6