FM 3-04.126 Attack Reconnaissance Helicopter Operations Flashcards
This deck was created by combining two or more decks
Basic Flight Formations
Combat Cruise, Combat Cruise Left/Right, and Combat Spread
P. 3-4
Formation Separation “Rotor discs”
2 "Tight" 3-5 "Close" 6-10 "Loose" \+10 "Extended" P. 3-4
Modes of Terrain Flight
Low Level
P. 3-6
NOE Flight
NOE flight is conducted at varying airspeeds as close to the earth’s surface as vegetation and obstacles permit. Aviators should decrease airspeed if weather and ambient light restrict visibility.
P. 3-8
Contour Flight
Flight conducted at low altitude conforming to the earth’s contours. It is characterized by varying airspeeds and altitude, dictated by terrain and obstacles.
P. 3-8
Low Level Flight
Aviators perform low-level flight at constant altitude and airspeed, dictated by threat avoidance.
P. 3-8
Movement Techniques
Traveling Overwatch
Bounding Overwatch
P. 3-9
Company elements employ Traveling technique to move rapidly through the operational environment when enemy contact is UNLIKELY, or the situation requires speed for evading the enemy. All aircraft move at the same speed. Fastest method for aircraft formation movement, but provides the least amount of security. Units often employ low-level and contour flight at high airspeeds using the traveling movement technique.
P. 3-9
Traveling Overwatch
Company elements employ traveling overwatch when speed is essential and enemy contact is POSSIBLE. Lead aircraft moves constantly and trail moves as necessary maintaining overwatch of lead. Units often employ contour or NOE flight with traveling overwatch technique using high and varying airspeeds depending on weather, ambient light, and threat.
P. 3-9
Bounding Overwatch
Company elements employ bounding overwatch when they EXPECT enemy contact and the greatest degree of concealment is required. Slowest movement technique; too slow for high tempo operations and vulnerable for nonlinear and/or urban operations. Individual aircraft/teams employ alternate or successive bounds. Units normally employ contour and NOE flight with bounding overwatch technique.
P. 3-9
Definition of Reconnaissance
Reconnaissance is a focuses collection effort that produces combat information.
P. 3-10
Fundamentals of Reconnaissance
Gain and maintain enemy contact. Orient on the reconnaissance objective. Report all information rapidly and accurately. Retain freedom to maneuver. Develop the situation rapidly. Ensure maximum reconnaissance force forward. Ensure continuous reconnaissance. P. 3-11
Actions On contact
Deploy to cover and report. Maintain contact and develop the situation. Choose a course of action. Recommend or execute a course of action. P. 3-17
Choose a Course of Action
Hasty attack Bypass Hasty Screen Support by another team P. 3-19
Reconnaissance Methods
Aerial Reconnaissance.
Reconnaissance by fire.
Dismounted reconnaissance.
P. 3-20
Forms of Reconnaissance
Route reconnaissance Zone reconnaissance Area reconnaissance Aerial Surveillance P. 3-21
Route Reconnaissance
A route reconnaissance is conducted to obtain information about a specific route and all adjacent terrain from which the threat could influence movement along the route.
-Air route reconnaissance
P. 3-23
Zone Reconnaissance
A zone reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain information concerning all routes, obstacles (to include CBRN), terrain, and enemy forces within a zone defined by boundaries.
The boundaries of a zone are RESTRICTIVE, unlike those of an area reconnaissance, which are permissive.
P. 3-24
Area Reconnaissance
The purpose of an area reconnaissance is to gather intelligence or conduct surveillance of a specified area.
The boundaries of an area reconnaissance are PERMISSIVE and allow the air reconnaissance team greater freedom in selecting their ingress and egress routes. Emphasis is normally placed on reaching the objective area quickly.
P. 3-27
Landing Zone/Pickup Zone Reconnaissance
LZ/PZ Recon is a type of area reconnaissance performed to determine the suitability for air assault operations. Principal concerns are determining if threat forces are present and can bring direct fires on the LZ/PZ and evaluating the physical characteristics of the area.
P. 3-28
Critical tasks of LZ/PZ Recon
Tactical considerations
Technical characteristics
Meteorological conditions
P. 3-29
Tactical considerations of LZ/PZ Recon
P. 3-29
Technical characteristics of LZ/PZ Recon
•Landing formations
•Obstacles and hazards in the landing area and vicinity
•Number and type of aircraft the LZ/PZ can support
•Ground slope of the landing area
•Load suitability
•Approach and departure directions
•Size of the available landing area
•Surface condition, including brown-out or white-out characteristics, of the landing area
P. 3-30
Meteorological conditions of LZ/PZ Recon
Prevailing Winds Ceiling Visibility Density altitude (PCVD) P. 3-30
Aerial Surveillance
Although primarily a mission for UAS, the ARC may be tasked with conducting surveillance.
Aerial surveillance is defined as systematic observation to obtain detailed information of a specific target or area.
Fundamentals of Security
Maintain threat contact.
Orient on the force or facility to be secured.
Provide early and accurate warning.
Provide reaction time and maneuver space.
Perform continuous reconnaissance.
P. 3-31
Types of Security Operations
Screen Guard Cover Area security P. 3-34
The primary purpose of a screen is to provide early warning to the main body through the
communication of real-time combat information.
Types of screens
Stationary--- Initial screen line, Successive screen line Moving--- Moving flank screen, Moving rear screen Rear area incursion screen
A guard force accomplishes all the tasks of a screening force. A guard operation protects the mainbody from enemy ground observation, direct fire, and surprise attack.
Types of Guard Operations
Stationary-- Advance guard, Flank guard, Rear guard Moving-- Advance Guard, Flank guard
A covering force accomplishes all the tasks of screening and guard forces. Additionally, a covering force operates apart from the main body to develop the situation early and deceives, disorganizes,and destroys threat forces.
Area Security
Area security includes reconnaissance and security of designated personnel, airfields, unit convoys, facilities, main supply routes (MSRs), forward operating bases, equipment, and critical points.
Types of Area Security Operations
•Cordon and Search •Route Security •Convoy Security--Detached, Attached •Aerial Escort - flown to protect helicopters conducting: -Air Assault, -MEDEVAC/, or -air movement operations P. 3-50
Maneuvering Weapons Employment Techniques
Running and Diving fire.
Attack Forms
Hasty Attack
Deliberate Attack
P. 3-58
Attack Employment Methods
Continuous Attack Method
Phased Attack
Maximum Destruction
P. 3-64
Search and attack
Elements of Search and Attack– Find the enemy,
Fix the enemy, Destroy the enemy
P. 3-87
Weapons delivery techniques
Hover Fire
Running Fire
Diving Fire–Low level attack, Bump attack, and High attack
P. 3-69
Attack Missions
Close Combat Attack
Interdiction Attack
Joint Air Attack Team
P. 3-59
Holding Area Operations
The HA is the last covered and concealed position prior to the objective that is occupied for short
periods of time. It is normally located approximately 2 to 5 kilometers behind the BP, ABF, or FLOT.
P. 3-84
Scout Weapons Team Attack Patterns
Racetrack pattern
Cloverleaf attack pattern