FM 3-01 - Air and Missile Defense Operations Flashcards
What FM covers Air and Missile Defense Patriot Brigade Gunnery Program?
FM 3-01.86.
What Gunnery Tables are considered Basic Gunnery?
Tables I-IV. (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 2 Para. 2-1)
What Gunnery Tables are considered Intermediate Gunnery?
Tables V-VIII. (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 2 Para. 2-2)
What Gunnery Tables are considered Advanced Gunnery?
Tables IX-XII. (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 2 Para. 2-3)
What does the ECS receive from the RS?
Detection, Tracking Data and determines target classification and identity. (FM 3-01.85 App. B Para. B-3)
How many types of Cover and Concealment with respect to air systems are there and what are they?
5; Contour Flight, Pop-up Tactics, Masking, Cover, Ground Clutter. (FM 3-01.85 App. D Para. D-23)
What does FM 3-01.85 cover?
Patriot Battalion and Battery Operations (FM 3-01.85)
A Firing Unit will lose its certification when what occurs?
- Crews exceed the recertification time limits.
- Any one of the equipment crews fails an evaluation when they fail to achieve minimum
standards on their equipment drill during a Table VIII or Table XII evaluation, regardless of
their certification date. - The equipment crew loses any member and cannot maintain crew integrity with a certified Table
VIII replacement without compromising the minimum crew requirements. - The RSOP team loses the OIC, NCOIC, or four or more team members between certifications.
Failure to maintain a minimum of two certified ECS crews. The loss of the ECS Crew 1
(primary) will necessitate the entire unit having to recertify battery collective full mobility. If an
ECS Crew 2 (secondary) loses any member, a replacement from a sustainment crew can take
that crew member’s place. The battery will not lose its certification if the ECS Crew 2 recertifies
with the new crew member. - Failure to maintain the minimum launcher crews as stated above (paragraph 1-7, Launcher
Stations) certified in a battery Table VIII collective event. - Failure to maintain a minimum of one GMT missile reload team certified in a battery Table VIII
collective event. - Failure to maintain, at a minimum, the following crews: One RS crew, one AMG crew, one EPP
III crew, one RSOP team, and one BCP crew certified in a battery Table VIII collective event. (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 1 Para. 1-8)
The Intermediate Gunnery Tables are used to train crews for?
March order, emplace, initialize, and conduct air battle operations in a battery collective environment during daylight hours. (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 2 Para. 2-2)
What are the four phases of RSOP?
Phase I - Preparation Stage
Phase II – Movement Stage
Phase III – Survey Stage
Phase IV – Emplacement Stage (FM 3-01.86 App. D Para. E-2)
How many Subtasks are in Table I?
14 (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 2 Para. 2-5)
How long does a Firing Unit have to achieve directed alert state during Table VII and VIII?
60 minutes (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 2 Para. 2-31)
Table VIII evaluates Batteries ability to what?
Conduct RSOP; March Order, Emplace, and Initialize; Conduct Air Defense Operations; Establish and Operate a BCP; Maintain the Patriot System; and conduct Missile Reload. (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 2 Para. 2-37)
How often are Table XII certifications conducted?
Annually (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 1 Para. 1-4)
Who assess a Firing unit during Table VII and Table XI?
Battery Commanders (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 1 Para. 1-1)
During Table XII What MOPP uniform are you in during March Order?
MOPP 4 (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 4 Para. 4-2)
During Table XII What MOPP uniform are you in during Emplacement?
MOPP 2 (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 4 Para. 4-2)
Crew Members must be certified on their equipment and pass the Table IV written exam within how many days upon arrival to the unit?
90 Days (FM 3-01.86 Ch. 1 Para. 1-2)