Flush Flashcards
What is the name of the boat that Noah’s father sunk?
The Coral Queen
What is the name of the main character?
How did Noah’s dad break his knuckles?
He was mad and punched holes in doors
What was the Coral Queen doing that made Noah’s dad so mad?
They were dumping all the sewage that everyone on the boat was flushing from the toilets
What did Lice want in exchange for telling Noah everything he knew about the boat?
Noah’s family’s skiff
What is the name of the beach that all the waste was getting dumped on?
Thunder Beach
What did Noah do to expose Dusty’s boat?
He flushed food coloring down the toilet
Who was the mysterious man that kept showing up and saving Noah and Abby?
Grandpa Bobby
What is the D word in the story?
Where does Shelly and Lice live?
In a trailer
Who did Shelly and Noah think died?
Lice Peeking
Who helped Noah with his plan to expose the Coral Queen?
Shelly and Abby
Who is the author of the book
Carl Hiaasen
Why does Noah’s dad sink the coral queen?
Dusty was dumping his holding tank.
What’s the name of Dusty’s son?
Jasper Jr.
When did noah find out that his dad was home?
When he was sleeping he had a dream and in his dream he had to hold on to a rock and the rock was really his dads face.
Who was the first person that found out that Noah’s dad was home?
Noah was the first person to find out that his dad was home.
How did Noah and Abbeys dad get out of jail?
When the guards went to do something in his cell, they left the door open and he escaped.
What is Noah’s father’s name?
What did Jasper Muleman do when Noah pretended
to bead?
He kicked Noah’s high bone and hurt his own foot.
How big was the hole that Noah made in the sewage
As big as his first one.
Does mom usually go out on the skiff?
Why did Donna stick to the speed limit when they were going to find abbey?
She did not the police to pull us over and find my
farther in the car.
How did shelly hurt her foot?
She kicked the toilet.
Why is Noah’s dad not to do any more interviews?
Because Dusty Muleman and his friends were
bothering the sheriff.
When dad went to jail, for taking off his ankle monitor
how long did he have to stay?
48 hours
What bugs were all over Paine?
What were the two things Noah went in the water
A beer can and a turtle
What part of bull did Abby bite?
his ear
What is Paine’s new job?
He rescues people who have done foolish things on
their boats.
Why didn’t Noah have more money for fuchsia dye?
He spent a lot on trucks for his skate board
Who saved Abbey and Noah when they were alone on the dinghy at Thunder Beach?
Paine and Grandpa bobby.
What kind of gun was Luno threatening Abbey and Noah with?
A flare gun.
Why did the police think that grandpa bobby was dead?
Because the person who was dead had his wallet in his pocket
Why did grandpa bobby decide to go back to South America?
Because the U.S police thought that he was dead, and he didn’t want to take the risk, what would they do if they found him alive.