Fluids in rocks and sed processes and resources A2 Flashcards
volume of pore spaces (volume occupied by spaces between grains)
porosity equation
(total vol of pore spaces/ total vol of rock)
x 100
factors effecting porosity
only sed rocks as interlocking crystals= no porosity
degree of sorting-
poorly sorted= lower porosity as smaller grains fill spaces
degree of diagenesis-
more compaction/pressure + more diagenesis= less pore spaces
pressure dissolution= liquid fills in pore spaces
packing of grains-
fit well= reduced porosity
compact= pack closer
angular grains fit better= lower porosity
secondary porosity
fractures/ joints/ cleavage in rocks allow for secondary porosity.
may form due to dissolving/ altering of grains, cement or both
porosity examples
high-clay, chalk and sand
low- shale and granite
rate at which fluid flows through a rock
equation for permeability
distance moved/ time taken
factors effecting permeability
not porous= not permeable
has to be good connectivity of pore spaces
temp increase, less viscous, more permeable
hot= rock expands = decrease pore spaces
grain size- coarse= higher permeability as less resistance to flow
secondary permeability
fractures/joints/voids/crevassesformed after to form secondary permeability
examples of diff permeabilities
high- sandstone, chalk, limestone
low-granite, shale, clay
capillary pressure
pressure between 2 immiscible fluids in pore spaces.
results from interactions of forces between fluid and solid
fluids attracted to surfaces and each other
diff fluids= diff levels of attraction to surface/ itself
therefore in rock sometimes fluids can displace eachother
hydrostatic pressure
pressure at a point due to mass of overlying water column
hydrostatic head
height of overlying column of water
hydraulic gradient + equation
diff in H pressure between 2 points / by distance between them
vert diff/ horizontal diff
Water table BG
line that separates saturated rock from unsaturated