Fluid Therapy Notes Flashcards
What are the 3 Phases of fluid therapy?
1) Resuscitation Phase
2) Replacement Phase
3) Maintenance Phase
Resuscitation phase:
- Aimed at restoring of vascular volume in an effort to reverse Hypovolemia &/or Shock rate
What is the Shock Dose?
Crystalloids Isotonic Dog : 80-90 ml/kg Cats: 40-60 ml/kg Hypertonic Dog: 5ml/kg Cat: 3ml/kg
Synthetic Colloid
Dogs: 20-30 ml/kg
Cats: 10-15 ml/kg
Replacement Phase:
Involves correction of dehydration, replacement of ongoing losses, & provisions of maintenance fluid requirements.
What is the dose for replacement fluid?
Dogs: 132BW (Kg) (3/4)
Cats: 80 BW (Kg) (3/4)
Maintenance Phase:
For pts that present w/out dehydration or ongoing losses & are unwilling or unable to drink adequately on their own.
Maintenance Fluid Rate:
Crystalloids 60 ml/kg/day
Hetastarch 20ml/kg/day
Vetastarch 50ml/kg/day
What routes for fluid therapy administration are used:
- IV (Intravenous)
- SQ/SC (subcutaneous)
- IO (Intraosseous, Intramedullary)
- Enteral (via nasogastric tube) - more common in Lg animal.
What are signs of Hypokalemia (Low Potassium Levels) ?
- Polyuria (PU) - Increased Urinating
- Polydipsia (PD) - Increased Thirst
- Muscle Weakness
- Cardiovascular Signs (ventricular & supra ventricular arrhythmias)
Conditions that can cause hypokalemia:
- Chronic Renal Failure
- Post-obstructive Diuresis
- Dialysis
- Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing Dz)
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Hyperaldosteronism
To avoid adverse cardiac effects, what rate should potassium be administered?
Potassium should not be administered IV at a rate faster than 0.5mEQ/kg/hr (potassium max)
Why is it recommended that dextrose be diluted 1:1 (to a 25% solution) ?
It is recommended that dextrose be diluted to avoid phlebitis.
What main concern would we have from overload of the left side of the heart?
Pulmonary edema
Dehydration Replacement Volume Formula:
Kg x % (as decimal) x 1000= _______ml
What is Anuria?
No urine
What is Oliguria?
Small amount of urine
Clinical signs of volume overload?
Restlessness Increase in RR SQ Edema Vomiting Increase urine output Exophthalmos (bulging of eyes)
Monitor of status of hydration and fluid therapy:
Check skin turgor Thoracic auscultation Wt changes Hematocrit (PCV) Total protein (TP)