Fluid Mechanics Flashcards
familiarize and memorize- van pastor (clsu)
a physical science dealing with the action of fluids at rest or in motion
fluid mechanics
a state of matter that yields to sideways or shearing forces.
weight per unit volume of fluid
unit weight or specific weight
mass of fluid per unit of volume
density or mass density
property of fluid which determines the amount of its resistance to shearing forces.
work that must be done to bring enough molecules from inside the liquid to the surface to form a new unit area.
surface tension
the rise or fall of a fluid in a capillary tube which is cause by the surface tension and depends on the relative magnitudes
expresses the compressibility of the fluid.
bulk modulus of elasticity (fluid)
where p is absolute pressure, v is the specific volume, and n may have any non-negative value from zero to infinity.
perfect gas
if there is no heat transfer to and from the gas, the process is known as
the temperature of a given mass of gas remains constant, the absolute pressure of the gas varies inversely with the volume
boyle’s law (perfect gas)
this disturbance imposed on a fluid move in waves.
pressure disturbance
unit weight or specific weight formula (y)
y=Weight of fluid/volume
one of the major areas of fluid mechanics that deals with fluids at rest
fluid statics
one of the major areas of fluid mechanics that deals with fluids in motion
fluid dynamics
anybody immersed in a fluid is subjected to an upward force called
Bouyant force
amount of fluid passing a section of a stream in unit time is called
is said to be laminar when the paths of the individual particles do not cross or intersect
laminar flow
the flow is laminar when the Reynold’s number (Re) is
less than 2000
when its path lines are irregular curves and continuously cross each other, the flow is said to be
turbulent flow
turbulent flow in reynolds’ number is
greater than 2100
turbulent flow in highly controlled environment such as labs, laminar flow can be maintained up to values of
Re as high as 50,000
occurs if the discharge Q passing a given cross section of a stream is constant with time.
steady flow
the flow is said to be ____, if with steady flow for a given length, or reach of a stream, the average velocity at every cross-section is the same
uniform flow
ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces
reynolds number
by the principle of conservation of mass, continuous flow occurs when at any time, the discharge Q at every section of the stream is the same
Continuous flow
ability to do work
two-commonly recognized forms of energy
kinetic and potential energy
ability of a mass to do work by virtue of its velocity
kinetic energy
a mass of fluid acquires pressure energy when it is in contact with other masses having some form of energy
pressure head
an energy transmitted to the fluid by another mass that possesses some energy
pressure energy
rate of doing work per unit of time
“neglecting head lost, the total amount of energy per unit weight is constant at any point in the path of flow
Bernoulli’s energy theorem
used to raise water from lower elevation to higher elevation or its use is basically to increase the energy of flow
extract flow energy and converted it into mechanical energy which in turn converted into electrical energy