Fluid Flow and Pipes Flashcards
What is the mechanical energy balance?
Potential energy (g delta z) - Expansion work (the integral of dp/Rho) \+ Kinetic energy change (delta (v^2/2)) = Work added/subtracted by pumps or compressors (Wo) - Sum of the friction losses
The mechanical energy balance is per what?
Unit mass
In fluid flow through a pipe, what parts of the mechanical energy balance can be ignored?
Work terms
If the pipe is at an angel what does g (dZ/dL) equal to?
The fanning friction factor is proportional to what?
Velocity squared
The fanning equation applies to what kind of fluids?
Single phase
Where can you find the friction factor?
Moody Diagram
Pressure drop for valves and fittings is accounted for as what?
Equivalent length of pipe
For an incompressible fluid, what is constant, and what term goes to zero in the mechanical energy balance?
Rho (density); delta v (velocity)
What is the isothermal incompressible integral form of the mechanical energy balance?
Delta p = -rho [gdelta Z+2v^2f*((L+Le)/D+sum of friction losses
For nonisothermal but incompressible flow (liquids), you will not have a big error if you use rho at the average what?
For small pressure drops you can use what?
Bernoulli and fanning equation
G/v^2)*dz+(1/v)dp+(V/v^2)dV=-(del F/v^2
Volume is equal to what?
Velocity times the mass flow rate divided by the area.
The compressible flow algorithm can be applied when what?
The relative difference between the pressure changes is 20 to 30%
When capital investment decreases what usually increases?
Operating costs
Pipes are not equivalent to what?
What is bursting pressure equal to?
2tensile strength(wall thickness/mean diameter)
Pb=Pinside - Poutside
Safe working stress should be less than what?
Tensile strength
What is the range of safe working pressures?
6500 - 9000 psi at temperatures less than 250 F
What is the schedule of a pipe?
Sch=100*(working pressure/allowable stress)
You specify a pipe by giving what?
The diameter and the schedule
* get pressure inside (psia) * Ps = Pin - 14.696 * alpha = 1000 (Ps/Ss) * pick lower possible Sch standard Sch>alpha