Flu/Gout/Otitis Media Flashcards
Which flu remedy: thin, watery, mild d/c; at times excoriating faintness limbs feel bruised chilly internally belching, hemorrhoids, liver complaints dreadful anxiety lassitude
chelidonium allium cepa dulcamara calc-sulph sabadilla
which flu remedy:
chilliness and vomiting during flu
faintness, fainting; stool; during
flu w/coryza, coughing, hematemesis
sabadilla causticum antimonium aconite dulcamara
which flu remedy:
flu during summer
causticum calc-sulph dulcamara allium cepa colocynthis
allium cepa
which flu remedy:
> open air
thick, YELLOWISH, purulent secretions
secretions tinged with blood
psorinum allium cepa calc-sulph sabadilla dulcamara
calcarea sulphuricum
which flu remedy: sensation of weakness and paresis in all extremities total loss of appetite eyes sensitive to light and heat lacrimation
causticum nitric acid kali-sulph hep-sulph aconite
which flu remedy:
flu w violent spasmodic sneezing and lacrimation
sabadilla nat-sulph pulsatilla ant-crude nitric acid
which flu remedy: inherent lack of reactivity mind feels very well before coming ill L foot may be colder than R prolonged debility after flu marked lack of energy very easy fatigue unusual and peculiar sense of well-being may precede acute exacerbation of illness
mag-phos dulcamara sabadilla psorinum nat-sulph
which flu remedy:
gastric forms of flu
in affections of lung and liver
nitric acid mag-phos kali-phos ant-crude baryata
nitric acid
which flu remedy:
flu and compromised state of health d/t hydremia
dulcamara psorinum natrum sulphuricum nitric acid sabadilla
natrum sulphuricum
Which flu remedy: thin, watery, mild d/c; at times excoriating faintness limbs feel bruised chilly internally belching, hemorrhoids, liver complaints dreadful anxiety lassitude
which flu remedy: debility as soon as he sits down his eyes close weakness during fever aversion to meat achlorhydria stomach will not tolerate/digest food
carbo-veg ant-crude baryata muriatic acidum kali-muriaticum
muriatic acidum
which flu remedy:
chilliness and vomiting during flu
faintness, fainting; stool; during
flu w/coryza, coughing, hematemesis
which flu remedy:
flu during summer
allium cepa
which flu remedy:
> open air
thick, YELLOWISH, purulent secretions
secretions tinged with blood
calcarea sulphuricum
which flu remedy: sensation of weakness and paresis in all extremities total loss of appetite eyes sensitive to light and heat lacrimation
which flu remedy:
flu w violent spasmodic sneezing and lacrimation
which flu remedy: inherent lack of reactivity mind feels very well before coming ill L foot may be colder than R prolonged debility after flu marked lack of energy very easy fatigue unusual and peculiar sense of well-being may precede acute exacerbation of illness
which flu remedy:
gastric forms of flu
in affections of lung and liver
nitric acid
which flu remedy:
flu and compromised state of health d/t hydremia
natrum sulphuricum
which flu remedy:
flu and compromised state of health d/t hydremia
natrum sulphuricum
which flu remedy:
sciatica AFTER influenza
magnesium phosphoricum iris versicolor nitric acid causticum dulcamara
magnesium phosphoricum
which flu remedy: debility as soon as he sits down his eyes close weakness during fever aversion to meat achlorhydria stomach will not tolerate/digest food
muriatic acidum
which flu remedy:
carbo vegetalis
which flu remedy:
carbo vegetalis
which flu remedy:
cough w no regularity
which flu remedy: violent attacks of croup after flu anxious sawing metallic cough restless tossing back of head
kali-sulph phytolacca hepar sulph causticum carbo vegetalis
hepar sulphuricum
which otitis remedy:
antimonium crudum
which otitis remedy:
moist eruption on external ear and behind it
tongue coating thick and white
cross, irritable
antimonium crudum
which otitis remedy:
redness, burning and itching of ears as if frozen
spasm of pharyngeal and tympanic muscles
twitching and rattling or fluttering in tympanic cavity
which otitis remedy:
moist eruption on external ear and behind it
tongue coating thick and white
cross, irritable
antimonium crudum