FLOWS Flashcards
What are the PF/PM flow items when receiving Pushback and Startup?
What are the PF/PM flows for engine start?
What are the PF/PM flow items AFTER START?
IF NO OETD after start, what are the flow items for PF/PM?
IF OETD, what is the PF action after starting ENG 1?
What are the flow items for PF when PM has obtained taxi clearance?
IF OETD, AT SUITABLE POINT AND IN A STRAIGHT LINE, when PF requests 2nd engine start, what is the PM flow?
What are the flows of PF/PM after the brake check or in case of a OETD, the after take off checklist?
After the BEFORE TAKE OFF CHECKLIST DOWN TO THE LINE and before obtaining the take off clearance, what are the PF/PM flows?
After obtaining line up clearance, what are the PF/PM flows?
When cleared for Take Off, what are the PF’s intial calls and actions prior selecting TOGA or FLEX?
What are the actions/calls of both PF and PM from setting TOGA/FLEX to the moment of selecting FLAPS to 0?
Which actions after take off and in clean configuration will the PM do but only on the request of the PF and with the consideration of the Cpt?
After take off, when seatbelts have been cycled and landing lights retracted, what items is the PM supposed to do?
What are the CLIMB flow items prior 10.000 ft for PF/PM?