Florida State Law and Regulation Definitions (15%) Flashcards
The licensed loan originator in charge of, and responsible for, the operation of the branch office of a mortgage broker or mortgage lender
Branch manager
What is a Branch office?
A location, other than a mortgage broker’s or mortgage lender’s principal place of business:
The address of which appears on business cards, stationery, or advertising used by the licensee in connection with conducting business covered by Florida law
At which the licensee’s name, advertising or promotional materials, or signage suggests that mortgage loans are originated, negotiated, funded, or serviced
At which mortgage loans are originated, negotiated, funded, or serviced by a licensee
What is a Financial audit report?
A report prepared in connection with a financial audit that is conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards prescribed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants by a certified public accountant licensed to do business in the United States, and which must include:
Financial statements, including notes related to the financial statements and required supplementary information, prepared in conformity with United States generally accepted accounting principles
An expression of opinion regarding whether the financial statements are presented in conformity with United States generally accepted accounting principles, or an assertion to the effect that such an opinion cannot be expressed and the reasons
A depository institution, real estate investment trust, insurance company, real estate company, accredited investor as defined in 17 C.F.R. ss. 230.501 et seq. , mortgage broker or mortgage lender licensed under the law, or other business entity that invests in mortgage loans, including a secondary mortgage market institution including, without limitation, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and the Government National Mortgage Association, conduits, investment bankers, and any subsidiary of such entities.
Institutional investor
A statement by the lender setting forth the terms and conditions upon which the lender is willing to make a particular mortgage loan to a particular borrower.
Loan commitment (Commitment)
The total compensation from any source received by a mortgage broker acting as a loan originator. Any payment for processing mortgage loan applications must be included in the fee and must be paid to the mortgage broker.
Loan origination fee
Closing a mortgage loan in a person’s name, advancing funds, offering to advance funds, or making a commitment to advance funds to an applicant for a mortgage loan.
Making a mortgage loan
A change that would be important to a reasonable borrower in making a borrowing decision, and includes a change in the interest rate previously offered to a borrower, a change in the type of loan offered to a borrower, or a change in fees to be charged to a borrower resulting in total fees greater than $100.
Material change
The total assets minus total liabilities pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles.
Net worth
The licensed loan originator in charge of, and responsible for, the operation of a mortgage lender or mortgage broker, including all of the activities of the mortgage lender’s or mortgage broker’s loan originators and branch managers, whether employees or independent contractors.
Principal loan originator
A mortgage broker’s or mortgage lender’s primary business office, the street address, or physical location that is designated on the application for licensure or any amendment to such application.
Principal place of business
A loan originator who is employed by a depository institution, by a subsidiary that is owned and controlled by a depository institution and regulated by a federal banking agency, or by an institution regulated by the Farm Credit Administration, and who is registered with and maintains a unique identifier through the NMLS
Registered loan originator
Who is considered a Relative?
Any of the following, whether by the full or half blood or by adoption:
A person’s spouse, father, mother, children, brothers, and sister
The father, mother, brothers, and sisters of the person’s spouse
The spouses of the person’s children, brothers, or sisters
Authorizing a mortgage lender to service a loan for more than four months
Servicing endorsement
To receive, cause to be received, or transferred for another, the installment payments of principal, interest, or other payments pursuant to a mortgage loan.
Servicing a mortgage loan