Florence Flashcards
When was Florence founded and what was its purpose?
Roman military colony
What happened to Florence after fall of Rome?
Went into decline
5 factors accounting for Florence’s rise in Middle Ages?
1 wool and textile industry
2 banking and finance
3 position on trade routes
4 republican system of government
5 guilds to promote industry
5 factors accounting for Florence’s rise in Middle Ages?
1 wool and textile industry
2 banking and finance
3 position on trade routes
4 republican system of government
5 guilds to promote industry
What trade routes helped Florence develop?
1 Ancient roads connecting from Rome to northern Italy and beyond, such as the Via Francigena, connecting Canterbury to Rome.
2 Arno river, connecting to Tyrrhenian Sea and Mediterranean
3 Road network with important Tuscan cities such as Siena, Pisa and Lucca
How did the Florentine wool trade work?
Florentine merchants bought raw wool from Flanders and England.
Wool was processed and transformed into dyed textiles in Florence.
Banks made letters of credit allowing textile manufacturers to buy raw material against profit from finished textiles.
Arte della Lana guild oversaw production and set quality standards.
What financial innovations helped Florence grow rich ?
Banking network in major trading capitals
Double entry book keeping
Letters of credit (check)
Bills of exchange (iou)
Government bonds to finance public works
Starting 14th century
What was Florence’s first system of government and how did it contribute to its success?
From the 12th century Florence asserted itself as a commune
Republic with councils and magistrates elected from the citizens
Encouraged active participation in insuring the wealth and stability of the city
What was the importance of guilds in Florence’s rise ?
1 Established and enforced quality standards to ensure Florentine goods were highly valued
2 Oversaw training of apprentices
3 Set prices for goods and services preventing inflation
4 Were involved in political decision making
When was the Medici Bank founded and by who ?
Giovanni di Bicci de Medici
How did Florence move a Republic to a Duchy?
After the siege of Florence in 1530 by the forces of Emperor Charles V and pope Clement VII (a Medici)
Clement installed his illegitimate don Alessandro as hereditary duke of Florence, leading to autocratic Medici rule
How did Medici rule end ?
Gian Gastone de Medici died without an heir in 1737, this led to the war of the Polish succession as a result of which Florence was assigned to Francis Stephen of Lorraine who eventually became Holy Roman Emperor, integrating Tuscany into the Habsburg dominions
Who ruled Florence after de Medicis?
The Habsburg Lorraine rulers of Tuscany, first of which Francis Stephen
What happened in Florence in 1796?
Tuscany was occupied by Napoleon and Tuscany came under French control until 1814 when the Grand Duchy of Tuscany was restored
Dates and achievements of Cosimo de Medici ?
Head of de Medici family, Cosimo the elder
Weathy banker who became de facto ruler of Florence through political and financial regulations
He patronised artists such as Donatello, Fra Angelico, Ghiberti
Built the Palazzo Medici Ricardi and oversaw dome
Founded the Platonic academy and first public library
Dates and achievements of Lorenzo the Magnificient
Cosimo’s grandson
Founded the Italian league in 1480
Supported artists such as Boticelli, Da Vinci, and Michelangelo
Dates and achievements of Girolamo Savoranola
Dominican friar
Established Theocratic Regime in Florence following expulsion of de Medicis in 1494
Powerful preacher, claimed prophetic visions, formed youth brigades
Held bonfire of the vanities where books, art, musical instruments and luxury goods were burned
Under influence of Pope and Florentine forces was burned in 1498
Dates and achievements of Cosimo I
First Grand Duke in Italy in 1569
Reduced the power of councils, strengthened role of Duke
Created port city of Livorno
Patronised artists such ad Vasari, Bronzino and Cellini
Constructed Uffizi Gallery (then administrative offices)
Consolidated Florence as major power under Medici rule
What’s the significance of the Brancacci Chapel ?
Site of frescoes by Masaccio whose use of perspective, light and humanistic expression marks a turning point in Renaissance art
Masaccio dies in 1428 and frescoes are completed by Filippino Lippi