Flora of the Southeastern US - Weakley 2020 Flashcards
A family of 3 genera and ca. 300 species, mainly tropical and subtropical.
Firmoss Family
A family of 10-15 genera and about 400 species.
Clubmoss Family
A family of a single genus and about 250-300 species
Quillwort / Merlin’s-Grass Family
A family of 1-several genera (the generic circumscriptions still unclear), and about 700 (or more) species.
Spikemoss Family
A family with a single genus and about 15-20 species.
Horsetail Family
A family of 2 genera and about 17 species, pantropical and warm temperate.
Whiskfern Family
A family of 10 genera and about 115 species.
Adder’s-Tongue Family
A family of 6 genera and about 18 species.
Royal Fern Family
A family of 9 genera and about 430 species.
Filmy Fern Family
A family of about 6 genera and about 157 species, pan-tropical and sub-tropical.
Forking-Fern Family
A family with a single genus and about 40 species, of tropical and temperate regions, particularly equatorial and south temperate.
Climbing Fern Family
A family of 2 genera and about 35 species.
Curly-Grass Family
A monotypic family, of a single genus and ca. 115 species, of tropical and subtropical areas of the Americas, Africa, and Asia, but most diverse in tropical America.
Pineland Fern Family
A family of 2 genera and about 21 species, all floating aquatics.
Floating Fern Family
A family of 3 genera and about 61 species, nearly cosmopolitan.
Water-Clover Family
A family of 3 genera and about 643 species. Found in both New and Old World tropical wet montane forests and cloud forests, with some species extending into south-temperate regions.
Scale Tree Fern Family
A family of about 7 genera and about 234 species, mostly tropical.
Necklace Fern Family
A family of about 53 genera and about 1211 species.
Maindenhair Fern Family
A family of about 10 (or more) genera and about 265 species, of cosmopolitan distribution; the circumscription is very uncertain and controversial, however.
- Leaves yellow-green or pale-green in color, with whitish-gray glandular trichomes, petioles silvery-pilose, leaves borne scattered (as clonal patches), sori tiny (< 0.5 mm in diameter)
Bracken Family
A family of 3 genera and about 37 species, perennials, sub-cosmopolitan in distribution, primarily of temperate regions but also in montane to alpine settings in tropical regions.
- Undivided indusium, pocket-like or hood-like, attached around one side of the sorus, petiole bases are deciduous, veins reach the margin.
Brittle Fern Family
A family of a single genus and 4 species, perennials, of e. Asia and e. North America.
Glade Fern Family
A family of a single genus and about 750 species, of nearly cosmopolitan distribution.
Spleenwort Family
A family of about 1 genus and ca. 65 species, cosmopolitan in distribution, but concentrated in temperate and montane areas.
Woodsia (Cliff Fern) Family
A family of 4 genera and 5 species (but see below), of north temperate regions
Sensitive Fern Family
A family of about 24 genera and about 265 species, cosmopolitan in distribution.
Fiddleheads often reddish.
Deer Fern Family
A family of 3-5 genera and about 650 species, subcosmopolitan in distribution.
Lady Fern Family
A family of about 30 genera (generic circumscription has been especially controversial and problematic, and is in the process of being resolved) and 1000-1100 species.
Marsh Fern Family
A family of about 26 genera and about 2115 species, cosmopolitan in distribution, but concentrated in temperate and montane areas.
Wood-Fern Family
A family of 1 genus and about 19 species.
Sword Fern Family
A family of 3 genera and about 50 species, tropical.
Fringed Fern Family
A family of 7 genera and about 250 species.
Halberd Fern Family
A family of about 65 genera and about 1650 species, cosmopolitan, especially tropical.
Polypody Family
A family of 1 genus and about 107 species, trees and shrubs, of the Old World tropics and warm temperate areas.
Cycad Family / Sago Palm Family
A family of about 9-11 genera and 120-200 species, of tropical and warm temperate North America, Central America, South America, Africa, and Australia.
Zamia Family
A family of a single genus and single species, a tree, native of China.
Ginko Family
A monotypic family, shrubs or clambering vines, of warm temperate, subtropical, and tropical areas of America and Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Ephedra Family
A family of about 12 genera and about 220 species, trees and shrubs, almost exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere.
Pine Family
A family of about three genera and 43 species, trees, native to the Southern Hemisphere.
Norfolk Island Pine Family
A family of 19 genera and ca. 130 species, trees and shrubs, mainly tropical and subtropical and mainly southern hemisphere.
Podocarp Family
A family of about 29 genera and about 130 species.
Cypress Family
A family of about 3 genera and ca. 15 species, shrubs and trees, of isolated regions of the Northern Hemisphere and New Caledonia.
Yew Family
A family of 3 genera and ca. 16 species, disjunctly distributed in temperate and subtropical areas of the Old and New Worlds.
Plum-Yew Family
A family of 2 genera and about 6 species, aquatic herbs, nearly cosmopolitan.
Water-shield Family
A family of 6 genera and about 75 species, aquatic herbs, cosmopolitan.
Water-lily Family
A family of 1 genus and about 42 species, shrubs and trees, of temperate and subtropical se. Asia and se. North America (se. United States, Cuba, Haiti, and e. Mexico).
Star-anise Family
A family of 2 genera and about 40-60 species, woody vines, of e. Asia and e. North America (only our single species).
Star-Vine Family
A family of 6 genera and about 15 species, trees or shrubs, mainly Neotropical but also in Africa (including Madagascar).
Canella Family
A family of 4 genera and 6 species, perennial herbs, of temperate e. and se. Asia, w. North America, and e. North America.
Lizard’s-tail Family
A family of about 5-8 genera and 3000 species, shrubs, herbs, trees, and vines, of tropical and subtropical areas.
Pepper Family
A family of about 6-12 genera and 600 species, vines, shrubs, and herbs, of tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate regions.
Birthwort Family
A family of about 7 genera and 223 species, trees and shrubs, tropical and warm temperate, of e. and se. Asia, and from e. North America south through West Indies and Central America to Brazil.
Magnolia Family
A family of about 128-130 genera and about 2200-2300 species, trees, shrubs, and lianas, mostly tropical.
Custad-apple Family
A family of 4 genera and about 8 species, shrubs and trees, of temperate e. China, temperate e. North America, temperate w. North America, and tropical ne. Australia.
Sweet-shrub Family
A family of about 50 genera and 2500-3500 species, trees and shrubs, of tropical, subtropical, and (rarely) warm temperate regions.
Laurel Family
A family that cosists of only of one genus of 2-4 species, perennial herbs.
Calamus Family
A family of about 100-110 genera and about 3000-4000 species, herbs and reduced aquatic herbs, cosmopolitan, but mostly tropical and subtropical.
Arum Family
A family of 4 genera and about 30 species, of disjunct distribution in north temperate and subarctic areas, and in the Guayana Shield and northern Andes areas of n. South America.
False-asphodel Family
A family of about 13 genera and 80 species, herbs, subcosmopolitan in distribution.
Water-plantain Family
A family of about 18 genera and 120 species, aquatic herbs, cosmopolitan.
Frog’s-bit Family
A monotypic family, circumboreal in arctic and cold temperate regions.
Scheuchzeria Family
A family of 3-4 genera and 20 species, of temperate and boreal regions of the Old and New World.
Arrowgrass Family
A family of 3 genera and about 18 species, marine or estuarine perennials, nearly cosmopolitan in distribution.
Eelgrass Family
A family of 6-7 genera and about 100 species, aquatic herbs, nearly cosmopolitan.
Pondweed Family
A family of about 6 genera and 20-25 species, estuarine aquatics, of tropical and subtropical (rarely temperate) waters.
Manatee-grass Family
(Includes the previous Ruppiaceae)
A family of about 5 genera and 40 species, of e. Asia, e. North America, n. Europe, and the Guyana Shield of n. South America.
Bog-Asphodel Family
A family of about 13-15 genera and 130 species, pantropical and warm-temperate.
Many members are mycoheterotrophic.
Burmannia Family
A family of about 3-20 genera and 600-880 species, of tropical and warm temperate regions.
Yam Family
A family of 3-4 genera and 30-35 species, herbs and shrubs, of Asia, Australia, and se. North America.
Stemona Family
A family of 5 genera and about 575 species, trees, shrubs, and lianas, of the Old World tropics.
Screw-pine Family
A family of ca. 6 genera and about 80 species, perennial herbs, of temperate Northern Hemisphere.
Trillium Family