Flooding_intro Flashcards
What are type A,B and C flooding?
A - flash
B - long duration
C - long duration & high magnitude
What is an example of a type A flood?
Boscastle 2004
What was the combination of factors that lead to flooding in boscastle?
weather conditions (relatively short time
scale intense rainfall) & physical setting (small, steep catchment with impermeable geology)
How much rain was their at boscastle?
75mm in ~2hrs
What were the effects of the boscastle flood?
200 homes/ businesses damaged
No fatalities
How is flood risk usually attributed?
On a catchment basis
What is an example case study for a type B flood?
Gloucetershire 2007
What was the cause and effect of glocestershire 2007?
78mm rain ~12hrs
widespread flooding across the Uk (5000 homes, no fatalities)
What is another name for type C floods?
Mega floods
What is usually the cause of type C floods?
Failure of a retaining structure (glacial outbursts)
When is an example of a type C flood?
Middle Pleistocene – Northern
What were the effects of the Middle pliestocene type C flood?
Evidence of large-scale scours, streamlined hills, giant bars and run-up deposits (initial wide spreading of flood waters). And trench-like channels (concentrated flow of later drainage)
Set the drainage pattern of all subsequent glacial retreat/post-glacial drainage
What were peak discharges from the Mid pleistocene type C?
465,000 to 673,000 m*3/s
what as the flow depth of the Mid- pleistocene type C?
87m deoth with velocity of 7m/s
What might some future causes of mega flood be?
Failure of infrastructure
Climate change glacial retreat
How can intensity of rainfall events be calculated?
divide rainfall (depth of water) by duration
What is the weighting of intensity and duration like for the different flood types?
A and B
Intensity is important in flash floods (type A), whereas overall rainfall is more important for long duration floods (type B)
What is the return period/ probability of rain fall events?
The liklihood of a similar scale event occuring in an area again (1 in 100yr event)