Flood Flashcards
Doesn’t the existence of 8000+ year old Bristilecone pines disprove the biblical chronology of the flood?
Study ‘denrochronology’
What is the controversy regarding Dr. Austin’s radioisotope dating of lava rocks from Mt. St. Helens using the Potassium-Argon dating method?
Is the Genesis record internally inconsistent? Did the flood last 40 days or 150 days?
Does the existence of flood legends in ancient civilizations prove or disapprove the validity of the biblical flood account?
What are the different types of radioactive dating?
(1) Uranium-lead (2) Samarium-neodymium (3) Potassium-argon (4) Rubidium-strontium (5) Uranium-thorium (6) Radiocarbon (7) Fission track (8) Chlorine-36 * Cabon-14 is not used for rock dating
What is ‘uniformitarianism’?
The theory that all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time.
The theory of uniformitarianism taught that “the present was the key to the past” and exactly the same slow process that we see today is the one responsible for the formation of all the geological rock strata.
What is ‘catastrophism’?
The theory that the Earth has been affected in the past by sudden, short-lived, violent events, possibly worldwide in scope.
The Mount St. Helens eruption and subsequent erosion has taught us that rapid deposition and rapid canyon erosion is a fact.

Fish eating fish. Evidence of ‘rapid burrial’.
The tail of this smaller fish can be seen clearly, protruding from the mouth of the larger fish.
Many similar specimens are known from several localities around the world. In some cases, fish have been buried and fossilized so rapidly that even the delicate soft tissues have been preserved. The Santana Form-ation of Brazil contains fish whose gills and muscles are so perfectly preserved that geologists believe they were fossilized within five hours of death!
It takes rapid burial (by a flood) to preserve these specimens. Something that directly defies evolutionists millions of years.

Giant fish with pterosuar in its mouth. Fossil evidence of rapid burial!
This is an amazing fossil of a large ancient fish with a bird in it’s mouth, obviously ready to gobble down. Then it suddenly dies, and neither the bird OR the fish gets eaten. How does this along with thousands of other fossils of sudden death point to gradualism and slow processes? Remember, there were some very large predators out there who were always looking for a meal. And this was a bonus!

Yet another example of rapid burrial! Another fish-eating-fish fossil.

How are fossils formed?
Everyone knows that the fossils we find all over the world took millions of years to form—scientists proved that years ago, right?
Actually, even secular geologists recognize that fossils form rapidly. If they didn’t, the organism would decay so quickly there would be almost nothing left to fossilize!
Fossils can form in a wide variety of ways. Some common methods include:
The body can leave an impression or mold showing its outer shape in the surrounding sand or mud. This can include footprints and the inside and outside of shells. With the right ingredients and conditions, the mold can harden quickly, like cement.
Petrification takes place when minerals replace the original material of the plant or animal. These petrified fossils must form quickly, before the body parts have time to decay. Petrified wood is a classic example.
Permineralization, or encased fossilization, occurs when dissolved minerals fill the pores and empty spaces in the plant or animal but don’t replace any of the original material. The chemicals then turn into crystals, keeping the organism safe and preserved. While it is possible for many different chemicals to do this, quartz is the most common. Most dinosaur bones are permineralized.