FLK1 BLP Types of Businesses Flashcards
Difference between incorporated and unincorporated businesses?
Incorporated = SLP/SLE = owners NOT liable.
UNincorporated = No SLP/SLE = owners personally liable.
Unincorporated: “UNfortunately, you will have to personally pay the suppliers”.
What feature do Limited Partnerships have? (Unincorporated)
They have to have 1 general partner who has unlimited liability + 1 limited partner whose liability is limited to the amount they initially invested in the biz.
Who are the owners and who are the managers of a business?
Owners = shareholders
Managers = directors.
What does it mean to ‘pierce the corporate veil’?
Looking behind the company + impose liability on individuals who run/own the company.
When does the LLP legally come into existence?
On the date of incorporation on the certificate that the Registrar issues, NOT when filed.
Which rules govern what default contract/agreement the Partnerships and LLP’s have to follow?
Partnerships: Partnership Act 1890.
LLP: LLP Regulations 2001.
What is the difference in liability for shareholders and partners?
Shareholders: Limited liability for the company’s debts.
Partners: Personally liable for partnership debts.
What are examples of an UNincorporated biz?
What are examples of an incorporated biz?
What factors are used to consider what type of business medium is the best for the client?
- Finance
- Status
- Publicity of info
- Costs
- Formalities
- Tax
- Liability
What is a floating charge and is it available for incorporated or unincorporated companies?
A floating charge is a security for loans. It is a charge over all the biz assets.
Only available for incorporated biz.
How does an applicant incorporate a new company?
Complete CH form IN01
Memo of association
Company’s articles of association +
Pay applicable fee.
Who makes the application to companies’ house?
Either the individual themselves, or solicitor, accountant or company formation agents who are paid for their services.
Under s15 CA 2006, what should the certificate of incorporation state?
- Name + registered no. of company
- Date of incorporation
- Whether it is a limited or unlimited company. If limited, whether by shares or guarantee
- Whether it is a private or public company
- Whether company’s registered office is in E&W, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
As a company, what type of tax do they pay?
Companies must all be registered with HMRC for corporation tax.
Rules on application to HMRC for corporation tax based on the way the person made the application?
Filled out online? Automatically registered for corp tax.
Made by post or software? Applicant need to make separate app to HMRC within 3 months of starting to do biz.
True or false: even if a company does not look the same (like 2 not two or £ not pound), it still cannot be used if the name sounds the same?
‘Easy Electrics For You Limited’ is the same as ‘EZ Electrix 4U Limited’.
When can a new company use the same name as an existing one?
Same name allowed only if new company will be part of the same group as the company or LLP with existing name + applicant has written confirmation that the company or LLP has no objection to applicant using name.
Eg of two companies in the same group with ‘same as’ names is Web Services Limited and Web Services UK Limited.
Which names are prohibited forming a company and which ones require permission?
- Can’t use company which Sec of State would constitute crim offence or be offensive (s53) like swear words or T groups
- Sec of state’s approval needed to reg company suggesting connection w/ govt dept (s54)
- Geographical locations like British - not misleading public to where company operates.
- Certain letters, characteristics, signs, symbols + punctuation cannot be used (under name regs 2015) +
- Name of company can’t exceed 160 characters, including spaces.
What is a trading name?
A name different from the company’s registered name.
What info about shareholders needs to go on IN01?
Name, addresses, details of each type of share.
What does the company use the money given to them by shareholders for?
The shareholders will pay money to the company in return for shares and the company will use the money provided by shareholders to run the business.
The shareholders’ money will be used for rent, buy stock + pay employees.
What forms a company’s constitution?
Memo of association + articles of association (articles) + incorp certificate + current statement of capital + court orders and legislation altering company’s constitution + shareholders’ resolution affecting constitution + certain agreement involving shareholders = company’s constitution (s17 + 29 CA 2006).
Decision-making of directors vs shareholders?
Directors: Board meetings (Day to Day decisions).
Shareholders: General meetings (Significant decisions).