!!!!!! FLK 1 Contract Flashcards
Types of Duress
economic, duress to the person, duress of goods
4 factors to see if econ duress is present
- these are guidelines- dont all need to be present
- did the person claiming to be coerced protest?
- did that person have any other available course of action?
- were they independently advised?
- after entering into the contract, did they take steps to avoid it?
is duress void or voidable
basis of duress
if the victim was acting involuntarily then his agreement to the contract is not real and can be dismissed
rationale of duress
not lack of consent or knowledge as to its terms but the circs in which that decision is made
test for duress
- duress must be operative
- lack of a reasonable alternative
- illegitimacy of the threat
duress must be operative
need not be the only thing or main reason for the claimant entering into the contract, it needs to be a reason only
lack of a reasonable alternative
not a question of there being no alternative but no reasonable alternative
illegitimacy of the threat
- the threat of an act which is itself unlawful will be illegitimate
- illegitimate pressure must be distinguished from the rough and tumble of the pressures of normal commercial bargaining
does there need to be a relationship with duress?
No- the only relationship is the contract
remedies for duress
- victim will be seeking to escape from the agreement- to rescind the contract
- this might be lost due to the bars to rescission (eg affirmation)
- can get damages (money)