Flipped Class Respiratory System Flashcards
What are the functions of the respiratory system?
- Olfaction
- Olfactory mucosa in nasal cavity
- Phonation
- Vocal folds
- Conduction and conditioning of air
- transport of air to respiratory portion
- Warmth
- Air clearance
- Gaseous exchange :
- Respiratiry portion—> blood-gas barrier
- Endocrine—> hormones
- Neuroendicrine cells
- Immune functions
- Bronchial associated lymphoid tissue
- Alveolar macrophages
Describe the vestibule of the nasal cavity
Cartilage framework Stratified squamous epithelium (skin) -short firm hairs(“vibrissae”) -sweat and sebaceous glands -Glands and vibrissae trap large particles
Describe the respiratory region of the nasal cavity
-Respiratory epithelium (pseudostratified, columnar, ciliated, with Goblet cells)
-Lamina propria
-Vessels (capillaries) lined up perpendicular to the airflow—>warms the air.
Clinical correlate: nasal congestion
-Turbinates—> increase the surface area covered by respiratory mucosa
Summarize the olfactory region
Found at the roof of nasal cavity and the superior nasal conchae
Lined by psuedostratified columnar epithelium with four cell types
What are the effects of rhinitis?
Allergic reactions or viral infections (e.g. common cold)—> Rhinitis/coryza( inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane)
Capillaries that reside near the surface of the Lamina propria become engorged —> Lamina propria becomes distended with fluid—> marked swelling of the mucous membrane —> restriction of the air passage—> breathing difficult
What are the features of olfactory receptor cells?
Histolog8cql features:
-longboard thin nonmotile cilia with odor receptors
Axons from the olfactory nerve
Function: bipolar neurons
What are the features of Brush cells?
Histological features:
-Columnar and extend to the Apical surface (basal surface synapses with nerve fibers)) Short microvilli
Function- Sensory receptors
What are the features of supporting cells?
Histological features:
- Apical microvilli
- Mitochondria ++++, sER and rER
- Secretory vesicles—> contain odorant binding protein OBP
Function: mechanical and metabolic support
Helps in odor perception
What are the histologicak features of the basal cell?
Histological features:
-nuclei form a row in close proximity to the basal lamina
Function: regenerate supporting and olfactory receptor cells
What are the structures of the olfactory regions?
Serous olfactory glands/ Bowman’s glands have their secretory units in the Lamina propria
- Acinar cells have lipofuscin granules
- Serous secretion—> lysozyme and IgA
What is the larynx ?
Skeleton of hyaline and elastic cartilages
Function: air condition and phonation
What are the layers of the trachea?
- Mucosa:
- RE- respiratory epithelium
- Lamina propria- loose connective tissue
- Longitudinal elastic fibers in deep LP - Submucosa:
- loose connective tissue
- seromucous glands - Cartillaginous layer
- C-shaped hyaline - open posteriorly “Gap” between free cartilage ends is completed by a fibroelastic membrane and Trachealis muscle (smooth) - Adventitia
- Connective tissue-binds trachea to adjacent structures
Describe respiratory epithelium
Lines most of the conducting part of the respiratory system and has five cell types: ciliated columnar, mucus, brush, small granule and basal
What are the features of ciliated columnar Cells?
Histological features:
Columnar and extend to surface about 250 cilia each
Function: sweeping motion helps expel particles trapped in mucus
Clin8cal notes: primary ciliary dyskenesis in Kartegener’s syndrome
What are the features of mucus?
Histological features: short blunt microvilli
Function: secretes mucin granules which forms a protective barrier
Clinical notes: increased in smokers and chronic inflammation
What are the features of small granule or Kulchitsky?
Most numerous at bifurcation of primary bronchi
Basal granules
Function: enteroendocrine cells
Secrete Catecholamines, ADH, ACTH, serotonin and bombesin
Clinical notes: primary cells affected in small cell carcinoma of the lung
What are the features of Basal cells?
Histological features: near basement membrane
Function: stem cells that regenerate all other cell types
What are the features of brush cells in respiratory epithelium?
Histological features:
Columnar and extend to the Apical surface short microvilli
Function: synapse with afferent nerves—> Sensiry function
What is the mucociliary escalator?
Ciliary beating moves particles trapped in mucus towards the pharynx
Clinical correlate: kartegeners syndrome
Give an overview of the bronchi
Primary or main bronchi are structurally like trachea
Primary bronchi—> 2-3 secondary/lobar bronchi—> total 8- 10 tertiary/segmental bronchi per lung
Segmental bronchi supply a bronchopulmonary segment
Bronchi can also be classified as:
A. Extrapulmonary
B. Intrapulmonary: surrounded by lung tissue