Flip a coin or not Upper extremity Flashcards
Sharp-Purser Test
Tests for upper cervical instability
Sensitivity = .69 (meh)
Specificity = .96 (great for ruling in)
Cervical Rotation Lateral Flexion Test
Tests for restrictions of 1st rib
I? O? NO?
No stats
Spurlings Test
Tests for Cervical Radiculopathy I would use it Sensitivity = .95 Specificity .94 Both great
Cervical Distraction Test
Tests for Cervical Radiculopathy
Great to rule in, not to rule out
Sensitivity = .44
Specificity = .90
Upper Limb Tension Tests
Tests for Cervical Radic
Great for ruling out = Sensitivity = .97
Spin only .22 (sucks)
Ulnar Nerve Compression Test
Tests for presence of cubital tunnel syndrome
It’s purdy good
Sens = .89
Spec = .98
Elbow Extension Test
Tests for presence of either a bony fracture or elbow joint effusion
Can rule out a fracture pretty accurately, Sens = .91
Can’t rule it in though, better refer to find out Spec =.7
Varus Stress Test
Tests for presence of a LCL tear in elbow
Stats unknown
Valgus Stress Test
Tests for MCL tear in elbow
Stats unknown
Moving Valgus Stress Test
Tests for presence of MCL tear in elbow
Great to rule out Sens = 1.00?
Specificity = .75
Lateral Epicondylalgia Test Item Cluster:
Pain during palpation
Pain with resisted wrist extension
Pain with resisted middle finger extension
No stats
Active Compression Test
Tests for presence of an AC lesion or labral tear
Not the greatest stats
Sens AC = .41; SLAP = .67 (cant rule either out)
Spin AC = .95; SLAP = .37 (Can rule in AC)
Test Item Cluster: Impingement Syndrome
Hawkins-Kennedy Painful Arc Infraspinatus Muscle Test Great test if all 3 are positive LR+=10.56 2 positive LR+=5.03
Apprehension Test
Tests integrity of anterior GH joint capsule and assess GH instability
Better Flip a Coin
Sens = .62
Spin = .42
Biceps Load Test II
Tests for superior glenohumeral labral tear
Even Doc Z might use it
Snout = .90
Spin = .97