Flight systems 1 Flashcards
What is this and purpose?
Longitudinal Cyclic Trim Actuators:
Receive information from Flight control computers (FCCs), reduce fuselage negative angle of attack thus drag and reduces blade flapping thus lower stress on the rotor shafts by tilting the swashplate assembly.
A: Rotating ring
B: Spherical ball: Stationary ring of each swashplate is mounted on the spherical bearing. Dry Teflon rings inside the ball (no lubrication needed).
C: Bearing
D: Stationary ring: mounted on the spherical bearing (uniball) to allow tilt in any direction. FWD is aluminum, AFT is steel. Lugs for Pivoting/swiveling UDBA, LCTA, and fixed link.
Drive Arm Assembly: Allow angular movements of the swashplate while receiving rotational force from the vertical shafts. Contains the upper and lower drive arms.
A: Pitch Change Link
B: swash plate
C: Slider shaft:Both allow bearing surface for swashplate motion and vertical alignment. Check for scratches, dents, cracks.
Hydromechanical metering assembly HMA, mounted to drive assembly, fuel pump unit (FPU) and Hydromechanical metering unit (HMU). Supplies metered fuel to the main fuel nozzles.
A: Main metering valve
B: Primary stepper motor
C: Mag speed sensor
Reversionary step motor
E: Alternator:for powering the FADEC electronics
A: FPU (fuel pump unit)
B: HMU (hydromechanical metering unit)
Engine Oil Pressure Transmitter mounts in a vibration resistant housing to the airframe.
Ambient air temp sensor
Measures OAT for the DECU to calculate ground idle speed and fuel calculations.
A: Spark plug
B Fire shield
C Spark plug
E Fire detection elements
B: Oil pump and NG speed sensor
C: Oil Temp Transmitter
D: Fuel boost pump
E: Oil Filter
A: Starting fuel solenoid valve
B: Main Fuel Filter
A: Oil fuel programming valve
B: Ignition Exciter
C: Liquid to liquid cooler: uses fuel to absorb heat from the oil and heats fuel prior to combustion.
A: Intake
B: Compressor
C: Turbine
D: Exhaust
Torquameter junction box
The Torque meter junction box transmits a signal to the RDPS then to the DECU for engine performance.