Flight Planning Procedures AV07 Flashcards
What are the 6 different sections of the FIMS flight plan form
- Flight plan data area
- Home based flight plan search and utility functions area
- Flight status, alert status and information area
- AFTN addressing area
- Toolbar area
- Status bar area
When departure is within US-controlled airspace, accept flight plans only, provided that the following apply:
- Proposed departure times are within a 24 hour period
- Complete FP information has been obtained for each flight segment
- The first flight originates in Canadian controlled airspace
- Only one departure is in US controlled airspace
- You have passed FP information to your unit’s ACC
If a clearance is required less than ___ minutes after filing, advise the pilot the clearance might be delayed
for transborder flights originating close to the border, pilots are required to file flight plans at least ____ before departure
1 hour
For IFR flights, when accepting FP/FI with departures from a location with no TWR,FSS, or CARS:
- Obtain the contact number for the departure location to which you may direct queries concerning aircraft status
- Request that the pilot inform an ATS unit if the flight will not depart within 60 minutes of the proposed time
At the FIC, departures can be received in a number of ways:
- Fax, phone call, or ATC line call from a control tower or ACC
- EXCEEDS message from an ATS unit
- En route FISE contact from the filed aircraft
- Phone call from a responsible person
- Departure message from FSS, FIC, or ACC
If you are the destination unit, transmit an acceptance message for a VFR FP as follows:
either within 30 minutes of the receipt time, or prior to the ETA, whichever is earlier
When a pilot of a VFR aircraft requests that a VFR FP/FI be closed
Obtain all relevant information from the pilot
- Close the FP/FI
- Acknowledge the closure and inform pilot that alerting service is terminated
When a change in ETA is received:
- If the destination aerodrome is outside your AOR, transmit a mod message to the destination unit
- For transborder, send a mod message to the destination unit
Transmit a delay message when an aircraft is delayed for more than ______ minutes after the ETD
If you haven’t received an acceptance message, transmit a request for one at the earlier of:
- Within 30 minutes after departure message transmit
- prior to the ETA
If you have not received a reply to the requested acceptance message contact the destination unit at the earlier of:
- Within 30 minutes after the request
- prior to the ETA
What is the purpose of VFR flight planning processing and alerting service
to systematically monitor the movement of VFR aircraft that have filed flight plans/itineraries.
To provide alerting services we:
- Monitor the movement of VFR aircraft
- Apply standardized procedures for processing FP/FI
- Take actions to ensure integrity of the alerting service, and
- Determine the location of overdue aircraft
what are some duties that trigger alarms for the specialist:
- Alerting duties
- Overdue departures
- FP/FI that require ACP messages
- Errors in flight planning
- Information about standard and non standard flight messages
- any other