Duty Gear
A bag LBE (load bearing equipment) Inclement weather gear Handcuffs with key Plate carrier Kevlar helmet Pouches Disposable gloves Holster Taser/ baton RAB Flight line and state driver licenses (if issued) CAC
When will the flight chief arrive for duty?
FC’s roles and responsibilities
30 min
AFPD ( Air Force Policy Directives
AFI’s (AF Instructions
HAFB supplements
HAFB Instructions
Compliance with all squadron policies
Post priority chart
Inspect post and patrols during tour of duty
1 EX per shift
Vehicle inspections
Review all paperwork
Remain on duty until all personnel have turned in
Flight manning recall rosters are updated/recall rosters completed and (forwarded to S1 and flight )
OJT (coordinate with S3T)
Cord leave and EFDs
Recall NCO for contingency situations
What is the purpose of guardmount
Determine readiness of personnel
Inspect personnel appearance, mental and physical condition
8 hours prior( drugs medication alcohol)
Required PPE
Roll call training
Security status briefings
Weapon inspections
Vehicle weapons ground safety
Arming and use of force
Sign countersign
What is the post priority chart used for
Guidance for SF priority posting during normal operation, increased FPCONs and contingencies )Day to day and contingency ops)
Who will determine additional posting for FPCONs and contingencies above already stipulated in the post priority chat?
When necessary, who may pull posts and patrols using the post priority chart for the current FPCON after coordination and approval from S3 or S3O
Flight Chief
What gives SF the authority to apprehend any person subject to trail by courts martial
Rule 302 of the MCM
Article 7b of the UCMJ
installation commanders responsibility for protecting personnel and property under their jurisdiction include what federal laws
The internal security act of 1950
Title 10
Title 18
What SF legal Authority (DARC)
Exclusive Jurisdiction
Exclusive are on HAFB
Federal government has complete legislative and sole authority to enforce the law on the installation
Exclusive jurisdiction on HAFB is main base to include the main gate
What laws can SF enforce on Exclusive Jurisdiction
New Mexico State law
Proprietary Jurisdiction
What laws can be enforced on Proprietary Jurisdiction
Proprietary areas on HAFB
Allows the government to have the same right as any property owner
The government and its personnel on base are treated as tenants subject to New Mexico State law
SF may enforce UCMJ and USC but city or county have priority and may assume jurisdiction over the incident
Proprietary are on HAFB are
Housing are south of Mesquite Rd
West Gate
Areas west of Bare Base
Vandergrift Rd leading to La Luz Gate
For incidents not falling within exclusive jurisdiction who wil be contacted
Otero county sheriffs
NM State Police
Contact BASE LEGAL for any questions
Patrol sectors and jurisdictions they contain
Sector 1 south of runway 25 east of runway 34. Main base
Exclusive and proprietary Jurisdiction
Sector 2 south of runway 07 west of runway 34 Includes west area and 900 row
Exclusive and proprietary Jurisdiction
Sector 3 north of runway 07 west of runway 16 includes 704th test group
Exclusive and proprietary Jurisdiction
Sector 4 north or runway 25 and east of runway 16
Exclusive and proprietary Jurisdiction
What is a fresh pursuit
Pursuit with or without a warrant for the purpose of preventing the escape or apprehending a person who has or is suspected of committing a serious crime
What are the primary concerns during fresh pursuit
Protection of lives
Safety of citizens
Safety to responding SF
Who must authorize fresh pursuit
Flight chief
Fresh pursuit applies on and off base when
Stopping a person operating a vehicle with reasonable cause to believe they have:
Committed or may commit a serious crime
Unauthorized possession of classified material
Possession of inherently dangerous property (bombs/weapons)
Damage to PL resources
During fresh pursuit what factors will dictate speeds
Speeds will be reasonably safe based on time of day weather and location
When will SF immediately terminate fresh pursuit
If terminated what do you do
Danger to the SF member, bystanders and vehicle operators
Reduce speed, continue to follow, and keep visual as long as possible
For duress and alarm intrusion alarms what code do you respond
Code 2
During a duress or intrusion alarm what is done if you encounter a barricaded subject
Coordinate with SRT and make contact with hostage negotiation team
What will happen to any person exiting a facility during an ongoing alarm activation
Challenge Obtain ID Verify status Have the seek cover in safe area SF WILL MAINTAIN POSITIVE CONTOL OF THESE INDIVIDUALS
For alarms affecting Arms, Ammunition, and explosives (AA&E), funds or PL resources what will BDOC do
Secure the gates and notify DFC,S3,S3O
When will the gates be shut down
PL resources
Under what conditions can SF open vehicles without consent of the vehicle owner
Who gives approval for vehicle lockouts
Under emergency or life-threatening conditions
Flight chief gives permission for vehicle lockouts
When interviewing a subject of the opposite sex what are the procedures
An SF member of the same gender as the subject should be present.
If a SF member of the same gender is not available a second SF member should be present
What are transport procedures
Sanitize vehicle Place subject in vehicle Utilize seatbelt Initiate code 8 Send REG mileage and staring location Take most direct route to the squadron Terminate code 8 send ending mileage
What are the procedures for transporting a subject of the opposite sex
When possible us SF member of the same sex for transport
Make sure 2 SF members at present
Initiate code 8A
If you at transport I gotta a subject in a vehicle without a cage what must be accomplished
A second SF member must sit in the back with the subject
When will SF member search members of the opposite gender
If there is an identifiable risk to SF personnel
If needed when searching a member of the opposite gender how will the search be conducted
Whenever possible wait for an SF member of the same gender to arrive on scene to conduct a search
A simple frisk for weapons
A search of outer garments/handbags
When is an individual considered a minor
Civilian under the age of 18
How will SF interact with minors
When possible all interactions between minors and SF will be done in the presence of the parent or gaurdian
For situations with minors if the parent or guardian cannot be contacted who will be contacted instead
The sponsors shirt will be contacted and will be allowed to observe processing
For situations involving minors how long will SF give the parent or guardian to respond on scene
60 min