Flexibility, BW, and stability ball exercises Flashcards
- Ball = .
- Correct size for the client =
- If client has low back pain:
- Thighs =
- Knees =
- If client has low back pain:
- Warm up = _-_ minutes.
- Modes =
- Activity examples (i.e., _) can be used during the warm-up period.
- Benetif to Warm-up activities performed on the stability ball =
- Modes =
- Allow time for _. A client may be able to demonstrate _ but still find stability ball exercises_. This is especially true for _.
- When an exercise is performed on a machine, the _.
- Thus when clients begin to use a stability ball, they may _ very rapidly, which leads to _
- Emphasize _. _ is critical when clients perform exercises on a stability ball, especially difficult when _
- Sets and reps depend on fitness of client.
- Exercises can be =
- _ training
- _ sets of exercise _ before _
- Begin with = _ volume and _ intensity (reps/sets)
- Increase to = reps/sets
- Exercises can be =
- Ball = fully inflated so that it is firm.
- Correct size for the client = thighs parallel or slightly parallel to floor when sitting on ball.
- If client has low back pain:
- Thighs = slightly above parallel
- Knees = lower than the hips.
- If client has low back pain:
- Warm up = 5 to 15 minutes.
- Modes =
- brisk walking or jogging, walking up stairs, or calisthenics types of activities (i.e., jumping jacks, mountain climbers) can be used during the warm-up period.
- Benetif to Warm-up activities performed on the stability ball = training the stabilizing muscle groups, improving balance and coordination
- Modes =
- Allow time for the client to become familiar with the ball. A client may be able to demonstrate superior strength in traditional types of exercises but still find stability ball exercises extremely challenging. This is especially true for clients who perform a majority of their training on machines.
- When an exercise is performed on a machine, the stabilizing muscles are not activated.
- Thus when clients begin to use a stability ball, they may fatigue very rapidly, which leads to poorly performed repetitions.
- Emphasize correct technique. Attention to detail is critical when clients perform exercises on a stability ball, especially difficult when fatigued
- Sets and reps depend on fitness of client.
- Exercises can be =
- Circuit training fashion
- Complete all sets of exercise one after another of sets on each exercise before advancing to the next exercise
- Begin with = low volume and low intensity (e.g., 1x8)
- Increase to = 3x15
- Exercises can be =
- Advantages
- _ are decreased as a result of improved (4)
- _ response and _ consumption rates are increased
- Increase in pregnant women (6) =
- For some sports that involve a degree of instability =
- Disadvantages
- Some studies have confirmed increased _, but _
- Under unstable conditions, training at an _ is not possible
- Sport performance might be better enhanced by _ than exercises performed on a stability ball
- Advantages
- Injuries are decreased as a result of improved
- balance,
- joint stability,
- proprioception
- neuromuscular control
- Heart rate response and oxygen consumption rates are increased
- Abdominal strength, stability, balance, posture, proprioception, and flexibility are increased in pregnant women
- For some sports that involve a degree of instability, using a stability ball can increase the degree of training specificity
- Injuries are decreased as a result of improved
- Disadvantages
- Some studies have confirmed increased core stability with the use of stability balls, but this did not result in improved sport performance
- Under unstable conditions, training at an intensity necessary to bring about increases in strength in trained individuals is not possible
- Sport performance might be better enhanced by free weight exercises performed on a stable surface than exercises performed on a stability ball
- Flexibility = ability of a _ to move _, total _ of _
- Mobility = freedom of _ to move through _
- Elasticity = ability to _ to _ after _
- Plasticity = tendency to _ after _, even with _
- 4 Muscles properties =
- Connective tissue = _ and _
- 2 Benefits of flexibility and mobility
- Improves _ and _
- Reduces _
- Flexibility = ability of a joint to move through an optimum ROM, total ROM of joint
- Mobility = freedom of limb to move through desired range of motion
- Elasticity = ability to return to original resting length after passive stretch
- Plasticity = tendency to assume greater length after passive stretch, even with removal of load
- 4 Muscles properties =
- Contractility is the ability of muscle cells to forcefully shorten.
- Excitability is the ability to respond to a stimulus, which may be delivered from a motor neuron or a hormone.
Extensibility = ability of a muscle to be stretched.
- For elbow flexion elbow extensor muscles must extend in order to allow flexion to occur. Lack of extensibility is known as spasticity.
- Elasticity = ability to recoil or bounce back to the muscle’s original length after being stretched.
- Connective tissue = elastic and plastic
- Improves movement performance and control
- Reduces risk of injury
How do the following affect flexibility
- Age
- _ become less flexible with age (low point @ _-_), then improves to sub _ levels
- Sex
- _ flexibility > _ flexibility
- _ Structure
- _ and _ elasticity
- _ properties of _ altered with stretching practices
- _ stretched become more _
- Hyp_
- Allows _ of body to achieve ROM _ what is considered normal
- Temperature
- _ core temperature _ flexibility
- Activity Level
- _ Tissue becomes less _ with less activity
- Resistance training
- Exercises performed through _ ↑ flexibility
- Exercises with _ resistance and _ ROM ↓ flexibility
- Must training both _ and _ muscles through full ROM in joints
- Disproportionately _ muscles around a joint restrict motion @ joint
- E.g. _ biceps + _ deltoids make front squat _ difficult
- Age
- Children become less flexible with age (low point @ 10-12), then improves to sub childhood levels
- Sex
- Female flexibility > Male flexibility
- Joint Structure
- Muscle and connective tissue elasticity
- Elastic properties of connective tissues altered with stretching practices
- Muscles stretched become more pliable
- Hyperlaxity
- Allows joints of body to achieve ROM exceeding what is considered normal
- Temperature
- ↑ core temperature ↑ flexibility
- Activity Level
- Connective Tissue becomes less pliable with less activity
- Resistance training
- Exercises performed through full ROM ↑ flexibility
- Exercises with high resistance and less ROM ↓ flexibility
- Must training both agonist and antagonist muscles through full ROM in joints
- Disproportionately large muscles around a joint restrict motion @ joint
- E.g. large biceps + large deltoids make front squat bar position difficult
Look left and right
- Type of stretch = static
- Muscles =
- Movement = look left/ right with _ muscle action
- Common errors
- Torso =
- Head =
- Type of stretch = static
- Muscles = sternocleidomastoid
- Movement = look left/ right with submaximal concentric muscle action
- Common errors
- Turning torso as head turns
- Not turning head through full ROM
Neck flexion and extension
- Type of stretch =
- Muscles (3) =
- Flex neck =
- Try to touch =
- Extend neck = try to touch
- Common errors (3) =
- Failing to use complete ROM
- movent description
- Movement in =
- Type of stretch = static
- Muscles = sternocleiodmastoid, suboccipitals, splenae
- Flex neck = tuck chin to chest
- Try to touch = chin/lower chin to chest
- Extend neck = try to touch head to back
- Common errors =
- failing to use complete ROM
- jerkey explosive action
- Movement in trunk, arms, other body part
Hands behind back stretch
- Type of stretch =
- Muscles streched (2) =
- Hands =
- Elbows =
- Movement =
- Common errors
- Elbows =
- Torso =
- Type of stretch = static
- Muscles streched = anterior deltoids, pectoralis major
- Hands = clasped together
- Elbows = fully extended
- Movement = raise arms until stretch is felt
- Common errors
- Elbows = flexing
- Torso = flexing or looking at floor
Behind-Neck Stretch
- Type of stretch?
- How to conduct stretch
- Stand _ and raise the right _ to position it next to the right_.
- Flex the right _ to allow the right _ to touch the back of _.
- Raise the left _ to grasp the right _ with the left _.
- Pull the right _ toward (and behind) the head with the left _ (i.e., increase _) until a stretch is felt.
- What is 1 common error
- Muscles strretched = triceps brachii, latissimus dorsi
- Type of stretch = static
- Stand erect and raise the right arm to position it next to the right side of the head.
- Flex the right elbow to allow the right hand to touch the back of the neck or upper back.
- Raise the left arm to grasp the right elbow with the left hand.
- Pull the right elbow toward (and behind) the head with the left hand (i.e., increase shoulder abduction) until a stretch is felt.
- Common Errors
- Flexing the torso forward or rounding the shoulders
- Type of stretch =
- Muscles worked (4) =
- Describe stretch
- Knee = f/e _ knee, _ with _ leg, placing _ foot on in/outside of _knee
- Torso = _, _ed with _ elbow resting _
- Right palm = _-_ inches _(location)
- Twist _ and _ until stretch is felt
- Common errors
- Placing elbow on _ (rather than _)
- Buttocks = _
- Type of stretch = static
- Muscles worked = internal oblique, external oblique, piriformis, erector spinae
- Describe stretch
- Sit on floor with legs next to each other
- Knee = flex right knee, cross with opposite leg, placing right foot on outside of left knee
- Torso = upright, twist torso with left elbowresting on right knee
- Right palm = 12-16 inches behind hips
- Twist head and shoulder until stretch is felt
- Common errors
- Placing elbow on front of thigh (rather than outside of knee)
- Buttocks = rise off floor
Forward lunge
- Muscles (4) =
- Stretch type =
- Movement describtion
- Step so right knee is _ and _ right foot
- Both feet = pointed _
- Torso =
- Left leg =
- Hands = place on
- Hips movement =
- Common errors
- Allowing the lead knee to _
- Allowing the heel of the lead foot to _
- Flexing the _ or looking _
- Allowing an _ tilt (_ pelvis
tilt and increased low-back _)
- Muscles used = illiopsoas, rectus femoris, gluteus maximus, hamstrings
- Stretch type = Static
- Movement describtion
- Step so right knee is flexed and over right foot
- Both feet = pointed forward
- Torso = upright
- Left leg = almost fully extended
- Hands = place on top of knee
- Hips = move forward and downward until stretch
- Common errors
- Allowing the lead knee to flex beyond the toes
of the lead foot - Allowing the heel of the lead foot to lift off of
the floor - Flexing the torso forward or looking down at
the floor - Allowing an anterior pelvic tilt (forward pelvis
tilt and increased low-back arch)
- Allowing the lead knee to flex beyond the toes
Lying knee to chest stretch
- Type of stretch =
- Muscles (3) =
- Movement
- Body position = _
- Flex = right _ and _ to elevate the right _ toward _
- Grasp = back of _ underneath _
- Use _ to pull _ toward _
- Common errors
- Neck =
- Back =
- Grasping =
- Opposite leg =
- Type of stretch = static
- Muscles = glute maximus, hamstrings, erector spinae
- Movement
- Body position = supine
- Flex = right knee and hip to elevate the right thigh toward chest
- Grasp = back of right thigh underneath knee
- Use arms to pull right thigh toward chest
- Common errors
- Neck = flexing
- Back = arching
- Grasping = front of knee (instead of back of thigh)
- Opposite leg = lifting off floor
Semistraddle (modified hurdler’s stretch)
- Stretch =
- Muscles (3) =
- Stretch
- Sit right extended, _ foot of left foot pressed into _
- Out side of left leg =
- Keep back _ , lean forward at _ and grasp right toes with _ hand
- Pull toes, as _ is flexed toward right leg
- Common errors
- Extended thigh =
- Shoulders =
- Torso =
- Extended knee =
- Stretch = static
- Muscles used = hamstrings, erector spinae, gastrocnemius
- Stretch
- Sit right extended, sole of foot of left foot pressed into side of right knee
- Out side of left leg = touching floor
- Keep back flat, lean forward at hips and grasp right toes with right hand
- Pull toes, as torso is flexed toward right leg
- Common errors
- Extended thigh = externally roatated
- Shoulders = rounding
- Torso = curling
- Extended knee = flexing
Butterfly stretch
- Stretch =
- Muscles used (2) =
- Movement
- Torso =
- Flex =
- Externally rotate = _ to bring _ together
- Elbows = place _, _
- Back =
- Torso =
- Common errors =
- Shoulders =
- Torso = _ (rather than _)
- Stretch = static
- Muscles used = hip adductors, gracilis
- Movement
- Torso = upright
- Flex = hips and knees
- Externally rotate = thighs to bring soles of feet together
- Elbows = place insides of legs, push down
- Back = flat
- Torso = flex forward
- Common errors =
- Shoulders = rounding
- Torso = curling forward (rather than flexing torso at hips)
Wall stretch
- Stretch =
- Muscles used (2) =
- Movement
- Stand feet (width) =
- Toes =
- Hands =
- Step back (distance) =
- Extend = _, keeing _
- Elbows = allow to _ to move _ and _ toward wall
- Common Errors
- Moving _ without moving _ forward
- _ of trailing leg _
- Stretch = static
- Muscles used = gastrocnemius, soleus (and achilles tendon)
- Movement
- Stand feet = shoulder width apart
- Toes = 12 inches from wall
- Hands = on wall
- Step back = 2 feet, flex knee lead
- Extend = trail leg, keeing heel on floor
- Elbows = allow to flex to move hips and torso toward wall
- Common Errors
- Moving torso without moving hips forward
- Heel of trailing leg off floor
Arm Circle
- Stretch =
- Muscles (3) =
- Movement
- Allow movment to occur =
- Elbows =
- Perform movement =
- Allow movment to occur =
- Common errors
- Torso =
- Stretch = dynamic flexibility, conduct movement while walking
- Muscles = deltoids, lats, pectoralis major
- Movement
- Allow movment to occur = only at shoulder
- Elbows = keep fully ext.
- Perform movement = forward and backward
- Allow movment to occur = only at shoulder
- Common errors
- Torso = flexing and extending
Arm swing
- Stretch =
- Muscles (4) =
- Stretch
- Arms =
- When swinging arms
- Fingers of lead hand =
- Trailing arm =
- Movement only occurs at =
- Common errors
- Torso or neck =
- Stretch = dynamic, perform while walking
- Muscles used = Lats, teres major, anterior and posterior deltoids, pectoralis major
- Stretch
- Arms = parallel to ground flex @ shoulders
- When swinging arms
- Fingers of lead hand = pointing lateral to opposite shoulder
- Trailing arm = behind body
- Movement only occurs at = shoulder
- Common errors
- Torso or neck = rotate in direction of arm swing
Lunge Walk
- Stretch =
- Muscles (4) =
- Movement
- Hands =
- Step =
- Hockey step variation =
- Flex lead knee =
- Training foot =
- Toes =
- Torso =
- Common errors =
- Lead knee =
- Trailing knee =
- Torso =
- Eyes =
- Hockey Error Feet =
Lunge Walk
- Stretch = dynamic (while walking)
- Muscles = Iliopsoas, rectus femoris, gluteus maximus, hamstrings
- Movement
- Hands = behind head
- Hockey variation step = forward and diagonal, 10-12 inches wider than in regular walking lunge
- Flex lead knee = until over lead foot
- Training foot = slightly flex, just off floor
- Toes = pointed forward on both feet
- Torso = erect or leaning back slightly
- Common errors =
- Lead knee flexed beyond toes
- Trailing knee = touching floor
- Torso = flexing forward
- Eyes = looking down
- Hockey Error Feet = pointed too medially or too laterally
Walking Knee Tuck
- Stretch = dynamic
- Muscles = gluteus maximus, hamstrings
- Movement
- Grasp = at front of knee/upper shin
- Hip = flex
- Common errors =
- Torso = flexing
- Eyes = looking down
- Stretch = dynamic
- Muscles = gluteus maximus, hamstrings
- Movement
- Grasp = at front of knee/upper shin
- Hip = flex
- Common errors =
- Torso = flexing
- Eyes = looking down
Walking knee over hurdle
- Stretch =
- Muscles stretched = hip adductors
- Movement
- Imagine hurdle height =
- Alternate hurdles
- From standing position =
- Right hip =
- Right knee =
- right thigh =
- Common errors
- Torso = _ hurdle (rather than emphasizing _)
- Leading with _ over hurdle (rather than _)
- Stretch = dynamic
- Muscles stretched = hip adductors
- Movement
- Imagine hurdle height = 3 foot
- Alternate hurdles
- From standing position =
- Right hip = flex
- Right knee = flex
- right thigh = abduct so parallel with floor
- Common errors
- Torso = leaning too far from hurdle (rather than emphasizing hip abduction)
- Leading with torso or head over hurdle (rather than knee)
- Abdominal crunch = _ exercise
- Muscles used
- Normal = rectus abdominis
- Twisting = R.A. + internal and external oblique
- Position
- Hips and knees =
- Heels =
- Hands =
- behind/_ _
- folded across_/_
- Movement =
- Curl until =
- Head and neck position =
- Keep on floor at all times (3)
- Twisting variation = Twist (rotate _) to move to right _ toward left _
- Common errors
- Raising =
- Pulling =
- Torso =
- Abdominal crunch = bodyweight exercise
- Muscles used
- Normal = rectus abdominis
- Twisting = R.A. + internal and external oblique
- Hips and knees = flexed
- Heels = on box
- Hands =
- behind/at sides of head
- folded across chest/abs
- Movement =
- Curl until = upper back off of floor
- Head and neck position = neiutral or tucked
- Keep on floor at all times
- Feet, lower back, butt
- Twisting Variation
- Twist (rotate torso) to move to right shoulder toward left thigh
- Common errors
- Raising = hips or feet
- Pulling = head with hands
- Torso = flexing into full seated position
- Back extension = _ exercise
- Muscles =
- Position =
- Body =
- Knees =
- Toes =
- Hands =
- Movement
- Toes =
- Torso = _ (_) to lift _ off floor
- Twisting variation
- Torso =
- Common errors
- Knees =
- Toes =
- Rapidly rocking =
- Back extension = bodyweight exercise
- Muscles = erector spinae
- Position =
- Body = prone
- Knees = fully extended
- Toes = pointed down to floor
- Hands = clasp behind head
- Movement
- Toes = keep contact with ground
- Torso = extend (arch back) to lift chest off floor
- Twisting variation
- Torso = extend and twist
- Common errors
- Knees = flexing
- Toes = lifting off floor
- Rapidly rocking = up and down on hips
- Pushup = _ exercise
- Muscle used (3) =
- Position
- Knees =
- Toes =
- hand width =
- Elbows =
- Modification kneeling (knee angle and feet) =
- Movement
- Elbows =
- Can also place =
- Common erros
- Hips =
- Performing exercise =
- Pushup = bodyweight
- Muscle used = pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, triceps brachii
- Position
- Knees = fully extended
- Toes = pointed down to floor
- hands = on floor, 2-3 inches wider than shoulder width
- Elbows = pointed out
- Modification = kneeling with knees flexed 90*, ankles crossed
- Movement
- Elbows = flex to 90* to lower body in straight line
- Can also place = socks or foam half roller for chest to touch down on
- Common erros
- Hips = sag or rise
- Performing exercise = reduced ROM
- Heel raise =
- Muscle used (2) =
- Position
- Hands = one _, one _
- Feet =
- If on step =
- If on floor =
- Movement = Elevate to _, lower to _
- Common errors =
- _ movement to acheive _ instead of _
- Failing to acheive _
- Heel raise = bodyweight
- Muscle used = gastrocnemius, soleus
- Position
- Hands = one on wall or railing, one on hip or by side
- Feet = close together
- If on step = balls of feet on edge of step
- If on floor = flat on floor
- Movement = elevate onto toes, lower to heels through comfortable ROM
- Common errors =
- Baslistic movement to acheive full ROM contraction instead of slowing lifting and holding full ROM portion
- Failing to acheive comfortble ROM position
- Step up = bodyweight
- Muscles used (8: g, s, s, b, v, v, v, r) =
- Position
- Object height =
- Movement = make sure _
- Common errors =
- Not _
- Using _
- Step up = bodyweight
- Muscles used = Gluteus maximus, semimembranosus,
semitendinosus, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, rectus femoris - Position
- Object height = when foot on object, knee = hip height
- Movement = make sure entire foot on object
- Common errors =
- Not placing entire foot on step
- Using non active leg to push off floor
- Extended abdominal crunch =
- Muscles =
- Position
- Apex of ball =
- Feet location, width, direction =
- Hands = beside/behind head, folded across chest/abdomen
- Curl torso = _-_* from strarting position
- Common errors
- Feet =
- Hips =
- Pulling =
- Extended abdominal crunch = stability ball
- Muscles = rectus abdominis
- Position
- Apex of ball = under lower to middle section of back
- Feet = flat on floor, hip width apart, approx parallel
- Hands = beside/behind head, folded across chest/abdomen
- Curl torso = 30-40* from strarting position
- Common errors
- Feet = rising off floor
- Hips = drop down off side of ball
- Pulling = head with hands
- Supine leg curl = _
- Muscles (3) =
- Starting position
- Legs =
- Arms (*) = , palms _
- Hips = _ so that _ = on apex of ball
- In straight line (3) =
- Movement
- Flex = knees to bring heels towards butt
- Flex until = _ @ _* angle
- Near apex in this position =
- In straight line (3) =
- Common error
- Hips =
- Supine leg curl = stability ball
- Muscles = hamstrings, gluteus maximus, erector sipnae
- Starting position
- Legs = extended away from body
- Arms = abducted 90* from side, palms down
- Hips = lift so that lower calves and back of heels = on apex of ball
- In straight line = shoulders, hips, knees
- Movement
- Flex = knees to bring heels towards butt
- Flex until = knee @ 90* angle
- Near apex in this position = soles of feet
- In straight line = shoulders, knees, hips
- Common error
- Hips = flexing or sagging
- Supine hip lift = stability ball
- Muscles (3) =
- Starting position
- Legs = y
- Arms = *
- Hips = _ so that _ = on apex of ball
- In straight line =
- Movement =
- Begin exercise with = _ in straight line
- Hips = _ (_) until straight line from _ to _
- Common errors =
- Flexing =
- Supine hip lift = stability ball
- Muscles = erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings
- Starting position
- Legs = extended away from body
- Arms = abducted 90* from side, palms down
- Hips = lift so that back of heels = on apex of ball
- In straight line = shoulders, hips, knees
- Movement =
- Begin exercise with = feet, knees, and hips in straight line
- Hips = extend (lift) until straight line from shoulder to feet
- Common errors =
- Flexing = knees
- Back hyper extension (stability ball)
- Muscles =
- Position
- Over stability ball apex =
- Feet (location and distance) =
- Knees =
- Hands =
- Movement = elevate _ until _ and _ off ball
- Common Errors =
- Flexing =
- Toes =
- _ = moving off apex during torso extension
- Back hyper extension (stability ball)
- Muscles = erector spinae
- Position
- Over stability ball apex = navel
- Feet = toes on floor, at least 12 inches apart
- Knees = fully extended
- Hands = clasp behind head
- Movement = elevate torso until fully extended and chest off ball
- Common Errors =
- Flexing = knees
- Toes = off floor
- Navel = moving off apex during torso extension
- Reverse ack hyper extension (stability ball)
- Muscles = (3)
- Position
- Over stability ball apex =
- Feet =
- Knees =
- Hands (location, distance) =
- Movement = elevate _ with _ in extension until _ until fully extended
- Common Errors =
- Flexing =
- Hands =
- _ = moving off apex during _ extension
- Reverse ack hyper extension (stability ball)
- Muscles = Gluteus maximus, erector spinae, hamstrings
- Position
- Over stability ball apex = navel
- Feet = in concact with floor,
- Knees = fully extended
- Hands = on floor at least 12 inches apart
- Movement = elevate legs with knees in extension until hips until fully extended
- Common Errors =
- Flexing = knees
- Hands = off floor
- Navel = moving off apex during hip extension
- Elbow bridge = _ exercise
- Muscles used (7: r, i, e, q, l, t, e) =
- Position
- Knees =
- On ball =
- Feet =
- Movement =
- While keeping _on ball:
- roll _/_ location to create _* angle @ _, _, and _
- Keep _ and _ on floor and _ on ball
- Begin exercise while extending _ to roll ball _ until
- _. _, _, and _nearly in _
- _ on ball
- To return to starting position = _
- Common errors
- Arching = _ as _
- Raising =
- Varation = _ roll out
- Varation starting position
- Body position =
- Elbows =
- On stability ball =
- Reposition _ to create = _* angle @ _ and _
- Varation movement
- Keep _ and _ on floor
- Begin movement by _ to roll ball forward until _, _, _, _, and _ nearly in _ and _across ball
- To return to starting position, _ to roll ball backward
- Varation starting position
- Elbow bridge = stability ball exercise
- Muscles used (7: r, i, e, q, l, t, e) = Rectus abdominis, internal and external
obliques, quadratus lumborum, latissimus dorsi, teres major, erector spinae - Position
- Knees = on ground
- On ball = elbows and back of upper forearms
- Feet = toes on ground
- Movement =
- While keeping elbows/forearms on ball:
- roll forward/reposition kneeling location to create 90* angle @ elbows, shoulder, and knees
- Keep knees and toes on floor and elbows on ball
- Begin exercise while extending knees to roll ball forward until
- shoulders elbows, hips, and knees nearly in straight line
- back of upper arms on ball
- To return to starting position = flex knees to roll ball back
- Common errors
- Arching = back as knees extend
- Raising = feet off floor
- Varation = straight arm roll out
- Varation starting position
- Body position = Kneeling next to stability ball
- Elbows = fully extened
- On stability ball = hands
- Reposition kneeling location to create = 90* angle @ shoulders and knees
- Varation movement
- Keep knees and toes on floor
- Begin movement by extending knees to roll ball forward until hands, elbows, shoulders, hiups and knees nearly in straight line and arms across ball
- To return to starting position, flex knees to roll ball backward
- Varation starting position
- Stability ball pushup
- Muscles used (3) =
- Position
- Stability ball location =
- Elbows =
- Position in straight line (4) =
- Movement
- Elbows = _ to lower face _-_ inches from floor, while maintaining _
- Common errors
- Allowing _ to sag or raise up
- Pushing slightly _ with _ to m_ or roll _ ball
- Stability ball pushup
- Muscles used = pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, triceps brachii
- Position
- Stability ball = under shins and instep of feet
- Elbows = fully extended
- Position in straight line = feet, knees, hips, and shoulders
- Movement
- Elbows = flex to lower face 1-2 inches from floor, while maintaining body in straight line
- Common errors
- Allowing hips to sag or raise up
- Pushing slightly backward with arms to move body backward or roll knees onto ball
- Pike roll out and in =
- Muscles used (5 r, i, e, q, h) =
- Pike roll in and out Position
- Stability ball =
- Elbows =
- Position in straight line =
- Movement
- Pike roll out and in
- Keeping _ and _fully extended, flex _ to roll ball forward until _ and _ directly over _
- Variation = knee to chest (jack knife)
- Keeping the _ , begin the
exercise by _ the _ slightly and _ the _ and _ to roll the ball forward until the _ and _ are fully flexed and the _ are near the _. - Retiurn to starting psition by allowing _ and _ to extend
- Keeping the _ , begin the
- Pike roll out and in
- Common Errors
- Regular
- _ in pushup position
- _ in pike position
- Variation
- _ in pushup position
- Allowing _ to _ in knee to chest position
- Regular
- Pike roll out and in = stability ball
- Muscles used = Rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, quadratus lumbordum, hip flexors
- Pike roll in and out Position
- Stability ball = under shins and instep of feet
- Elbows = fully extended
- Position in straight line = feet, knees, hips, and shoulders
- Movement
- Pike roll out and in
- Keeping knees and elbows fully extended, flex hips to roll ball forward until toes are on top of ball and hips directly over shoulders
- Variation = knee to chest (jack knife)
- Keeping the elbows fully extended, begin the
exercise by raising the hips slightly and flexing the hips and knees to roll the ball forward until the hips and knees are fully flexed and the knees are near the torso. - Retiurn to starting psition by allowing hips and knees to extend
- Keeping the elbows fully extended, begin the
- Pike roll out and in
- Common Errors
- Regular
- Arching back in pushup position
- Hyperextending neck in pike position
- Variation
- Arching back in pushup position
- Allowing elbows to flex in knee to chest position
- Regular