Flesh v Spirit Flashcards
Our human nature is against what God through the Holy Spirit wants us to do – This is the battle that every man fights
Galatians 5:17
This is the condition that EVERY man on the Earth has to fight – If I overcome I receive the Kingdom, but if I do not I will be punished
2 Esdras 7:57
If you follow your human nature you will die, so you have to kill the flesh by the Holy Spirit
Romans 8:13
Watch and pray that you do not enter into temptation – The Spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak
Matthew 26:41
Don’t be surprised when you suffer in the flesh – Rejoice because Christ suffered for you and your glory will be revealed when he is
1 Peter 4:12
The only way to cease from sin and to live for God and not man/yourself is to suffer in the flesh
1 Peter 4:1
Abstain from fleshly lust because it WARs/kills the soul
1 Peter 2:11
Our outward man perishes, but our inward man is renewed every day
2 Corinthians 4:16
You show your wisdom in action, worship, and humility by neglecting the body and not satisfying the wickedness of the flesh
Colossians 2:23