Flashcarss Flashcards
AWS Service Name
AWS Activate for Startups
Helps startups get started with AWS
AWS Amplify
Build, deploy, host, and manage scalable web and mobile apps
Amazon API Gateway
Application programming interface (API) service
AWS AppConfig
Quickly deploy application configurations to applications of any size
AWS Application Discovery Service
Plan cloud migration projects
AWS Application Migration Service
Application migration
Amazon AppStream 2.0
Stream desktop applications securely to a browser
AWS AppSync
Accelerate app development with fully-managed, scalable GraphQL APIs
AWS Artifact
On-demand access to AWS compliance reports
Amazon Athena
Interactive SQL query service
AWS Audit Manager
Audit your AWS usage to simplify how you assess risk and compliance
Amazon Aurora
High performance managed relational database engine
AWS Auto Scaling
Adjusts capacity to meet workload demands
AWS Backup
Centralized backup across AWS services
AWS Batch
Run batch jobs at any scale
AWS Billing Conductor
A custom billing service
AWS Budgets
Monitor your AWS spend and set custom budgets
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
Provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates
Interact with AWS services using the command line shell
AWS Client VPN
Client-based remote access VPN solution
AWS Cloud9
Write, run, and debug code on a cloud IDE
AWS CloudFormation
Model and set up templates for your AWS resources
Amazon CloudFront
Global content delivery network
Hardware-based key storage for regulatory compliance
AWS CloudShell
Browser-based CLI tool
AWS CloudTrail
Track governance, compliance, and risk auditing
Amazon CloudWatch
Monitor resources and applications
AWS CodeArtifact
Artifact management for software development
AWS CodeBuild
Build and test code in the cloud
AWS CodeCommit
Code version control
AWS CodeDeploy
Automate code deployments
AWS CodePipeline
Release software using continuous delivery