Gross domestic product (GDP)
the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a specific period. (330)
Per capita GDP
GDP per person. (331)
the growth in the overall level of prices in an economy. (332)
Real GDP
GDP adjusted for changes in prices. (332)
Economic growth
the percentage change in real per capita GDP. (333)
a short‐term economic downturn. (333)
Great Recession
the U.S.recession that lasted from December 2007 to June 2009. (334)
Business cycle
a short‐run fluctuation in economic activity. (334)
Economic expansion
a phase of the business cycle during which economic activity is increasing. (334)
Economic contraction
a phase of the business cycle during which economic activity is decreasing. (334)
outputs that provide benefits without producing a tangible product. (337)
Intermediate goods
goods that firms repackage or bundle with other goods for sale at a later stage. (338)
Final goods
goods sold to final users. (338)
the purchase of final goods and services by households, excluding new housing. (340)