FlashCards - Progress
- delete a card
- select a deck
- change deck Meta data
- left and right: cycle cards
- button: add card
- delete a deck
- share a deck
- UID for each deck (meta data)
Chrome Extension - Functions
- add urls to YouTube page
- click => UID to app page
- rating: 1-5 stars
Making new Deck container in Firebase?
makeDecks( )
Create a QA card OBJ?
makeQACard( )
Cards list for back and fort?
addCardsToArray( )
Add a DeckName to DeckJSON? (helper function)
addingDecksToString(deckName) // all done
Pull all deckJSON from Firebase (based on UID, based email)?
pullAllDecks( ) //works well
Add DeckName to DeckJSON? (async parent)
Add Card to deck (async parent)?
addCard(deckName, question, answer)
Add Card (helper child function)?
addCardHelper(deckName, question, answer)
Firebase adding to User?
adding(root, data) // creates new profile, adds data
addDoc(root, docMe, data) // adds data to same profile, if first data obj already exists it will override
Firebase - get UID based on ‘email’?
emailPullHelper(emailSearch) // works well
Pull ALL elements from USE based on their UID?
pullALLDataBasedOnUID(savedUIDstr) // does its job!