What is validity?
refers to the accuracy of an assessment – whether or not it measures what it is supposed to measure. Even if a test is reliable, it may not provide a valid measure.
Formative assessments
are intended to assess the effectiveness of instruction on an ongoing basis, are to inform day to day instructional decision making. They are intended to be brief.
What is the advantage of short answer type items?
The probability of guessing correctly is reduced
The most important challenges to portfolio validity are
representatives, relevance, and rubrics
Performance assessments should
require mental effort and persistence
Increase use of portfolio and performance assessments
will reduce the pressure to test for a specific skill
The IDEIA and NCLB both
emphasize academic achievement for all students and ongoing formative and interim monitoring of the progress of all students in the regular education curriculum
Who established the initative for the development of the CCSS
state education officals and the state governors
What is content validity
the extent to in which test items pair with the teachers instructional objective
Instructional, grading, diagnostic
types of educational decitions every classroom teacher must make
Norm-referenced test (NRT)
tells where a student stands compaired to other students
Criterion-referenced test (CRT)
tells a student’s level of proficiency in or mastery of som skill or skill set
By increasing level of complexity
the way items of a test should be arranged
Perdicted validity
validity evidence appropriate for aptitude test
A tecnique that helps teachers rember to write objectives and test items at different levels to ensure the test include items that measure higher-level thinking
test blueprint