According to solution-focused therapy, and constructionist learning theory, languages creates
_____ help clients widen their lens to view more possible choices of action
A Bowenian therapist assumes the role of
an active coach and advisor
According to hierarchical structure structural therapy, children and adult differ in how much ___ they have
According to Winnicott, an extreme split between the true self and false self results in ___
Stage two in the psychosexual development of a child by which the focus is on learning independence, personal power and autonomy. During this stage is when the child begins to experience negative feelings
Anal Stage
When an organism responds to a threat that is either real or imagined. Equivalent to increased reactivity within a system. Increased anxiety can result from increased reactivity.
Emotional tie formed between people, especially between a child and the primary caregiver- an infant who is attached to a caregiver exhibits distress when separated from the caregiver.
Personalized perceptions that are automatically triggered by an event or experience resulting in an emotional response.
Automatic thoughts
He was one of the most well known psychologists in behaviorism. he invented the “Skinner Box” to demonstrate his theory of Operant Conditioning.
B.F. Skinner
The functioning that is not reliant on the emotional driven relationship process resulting in a person’s emotional separation from his/her family of origin
basic level of differentiation
A method or theory of learning that is focused on the stimulus and responses of behavior.
A technique often utilized in feminist therapy in which the therapist provides reading material to the clients as a supplement to the sessions. The goal is for the clients to build upon their own expertise and to diffuse the power difference between the client and therapist.
In Bowen terms. the boundary between self and others –family system – determines the level of fusion and differentiation
Thinking about a situation with a focus on the worst possible outcomes
Events and behaviors are interconnected through repeating and interacting feedback loops and cycles- in a family system, the behavior of each family member affects and is affected by the behavior of other family members
Circular causality
Events have reciprocal effects on each other - they are related through interrelated loops- as opposed to linearity
Used in Milan Model-circular questions are seen as a major source of information, suggestion and validation etc. It is a fundamental concept in that it is used to devise questioning and transform linear, casual chains of thought into reciprocal, interdependent world views
Circular questioning
A method of learning by pairing a neutral–conditioned– stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus which then that induces a reflex or response. Eventually the neutral–conditioned–stimulus evokes the reflex or response whether the unconditional stimulus is present or not.
Classical conditioning
This type of system is not open to exchange of information or material with other systems, including the environment-ultimately, the system is depleted of energy and progresses towards entropy
Closed system
Alliances between two people against a third, In a family system these unions are typically cross-generational. For example, a parent and child consistently side against the other parent or a child and grandparent operate against a parent
The theory that moods, behaviors and emotions are effected and shaped by one’s perception of the event
Cognitive theory
A goal or value that provides a feeling of belonging and unity. In group therapy, beginning to build cohesion is the task of the first group session- An example of group cohesion is trust of others in the group. In families, family cohesion involves emotional connectedness among family members
The response that is elicited by a conditioned stimulus resulting from pairing a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus, thus classical conditioning
Conditioned response
A neutral stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus in classical conditioning
Conditioned stimulus
Constancy loop or morphostatic loop are alternative names for a ___ feedback loop
____ feedback loops help maintain homeostasis in a system
Developed by Ivan Boszmormenyi-Nagy- a system of family therapy focused on relational ethics-includes construct of ‘indirect loyalties’
Contextual Therapy
The unconscious responses of the therapist to the client’s transference
The study of the flow of information within self-regulating systems especially closed systems- includes study of positive and negative feedback loops- has been applied to family systems
This technique is based in a postmodern approach to family therapy- involves helping clients scrutinize and challenge their assumptions and entrenched beliefs and then come up with newer, more adaptive interpretations of significance- in narrative family therapy, this is breaking apart unproductive stories
In order cope with a traumatic situation that is too painful to mentally digest, one distorts or reject thoughts, feeling or perceptions. As a result, not facing the reality of the threatening situation
The process by which an individual doesn’t allow him/herself to be pulled into a conflict between two other persons. The person remains an observer as opposed to an active participant in the conflict
In this process, an individual separates himself/herself from the emotional field of two others
One’s ability to maintain a healthy separation from the family system through a balanced dependency on others and avoidance of fusion with family emotions. Believed to be the avenue to transforming family relationships. Individuality while still staying emotionally connected with the group or family.
Differentiation of Self
Structural family therapy. When boundaries between self and others are not clearly defined, or healthy limitations are not set. Instead limitations are blurred and fusion or low differentiation results.
Diffuse boundaries
When one directs energy from a threatening object or person to another object or person that is perceived safer as a way to manage their anxiety
One of the founders of communication theory. Established the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California
Don jackson
A result of paradoxical injunctions. Within the context of a relationship, a person is given contradictory, mutually exclusive message with the same level of importance so that he or she cannot possibly avoid displeasing the person who is giving the messages.
Double Bind
Each system is a ___ of other, greater systems
The aspect of the personality that strives for the external world of reality and operates under realistic and logical thinking. It balances instincts with the outside world, censoring the way the id expresses desires so that it is acceptable to the external world.
Bowen family therapy. A family member emotionally or physically distances to separates him or herself from the family system. The individual is unable to differentiate successfully and therefore withdraws completely from the family.
Emotional cutoff
He was one of the most well known psychologist in behaviorism. he invented the “Skinner Box” to demonstrate his theory to Operant Conditioning
B. F. Skinner
One of the founders of Behavioral Therapy. He established the psychological school of behaviorism. He was known for conducting the controversial “Little Albert” experiment to reveal evidence of Classical Conditioning amongst infants and children
John B. Watson
He developed Behavioral therapy and was the first psychologist to apply desensitization techniques for treating phobias in therapy
Arnold Lazarus
Through his experiments and study of a dog’s digestive system, Pavlov discovered the stimulus response connection to learned behavior. Therefore, developed the theory known now as Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
He was the major figure in the development of family therapy. His theory focused on the multigenerational transmission process by which levels of differentiation within the family was passed down to next generation. He believed one’s ability to differentiate from the emotional reactivity of the family was the key to achieving a healthy balance of togetherness and individuality
Murray Bowen
What Bowen also referred to as the “pretend self”. The self that is molded by the beliefs and values of the family system and easily reshaped by positions then by others
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
A process where by one identifies the irrational beliefs, causing negative emotions and substituting them with positive alternatives by disputing the irrational ones. therefore altering one’s emotions and moods and subsequently feeling better. developed by Albert Ellis
A method from REBT utilized to make the connections between (A) the activating event, (B) the belief around the event, and the (C) the emotional and behavioral consequences of the belief. REBT adds, (D) disputing the irrational beliefs and (E) the emotional result of replacing it with a rational one.
A-B-C- Theory
The actual content of a message
A Suggestion about the meaning relating to the content