What are the articles of confederation?
The articles of confederation are a group of individuals untied together for a purpose.
- each state was independent and had its own government
- each state sent representatives to the “congress of the confederation.”
- the congress was the only central government, there was no president
- in congress, each state got one vote
What is the Constitution?
A constitution is a document that gives instructions for how a government should run.
What is an amendment?
Amendments are changes that were made after the constitution became law.
What is the preamble?
The preamble introduces the constitution, explain what the constitution is meant to do, and describe the purpose of the new government.
What is federalism?
Federalism is the idea that the national government shares power with the stated governments.
What is the Bill Of Rights?
- based on the Virginia declaration of rights and the Virginia statute for religious freedom
- these first written amendments to the constitution provide a written guarantee of rights( freedom of speech, religion, press.)
What is the virginia declaration of rights?
The Virginia decoration of rights is a document that said Virginians should have many rights such as: freedom of religion and the freedom of press.
Written by George mason
What is the Virginia statue of religious freedom?
Written by Thomas Jefferson it gave people in Virginia the right to worship as they want, people could choose their own religion.
What is the system of checks and balances?
The system of checks and balances are articles 1, 2, and 3 that show us how the three branches work. They also tell how each branch can keep the other branches from getting too powerful.
What were the weaknesses of the articles of confederation?
1- provided for a weak national government(center all government)
2- Congress has no power to tax or regulate trade among the states
3- no common currency
4- each state had one vote regardless of its size
5- there was no judicial branches, only legislative
What are the articles?
Are chapters that give directions for how the government should work.
What does the legislative branch do?
Turning the wants and needs of people into laws, it’s divided by the senate and the House of Representatives.
What does the judicial branch do?
Interprets laws and decide what they mean
What does the executive branch do?
Make sure the laws are carried out
A minimum of ____ of the thirteen states had to vote in favor of the constitution before it could become law.
Three fourths
George Washington was….
Leader of the continental army
Provided strong leadership for the new country and was a good role model for future presidents
Known as father of the country
The first president
James Madison was…
Known as father of the constitution
Did a lot of hard work to write the constitution including good notes
Helped people agree to the constitution, helped delegates compromise during the constitutional convention
George mason was…
Wrote the Virginia declaration of rights
His Virginia declaration of rights said that Virginians should have many rights such as : freedom of religion and freedom of the press
Thomas Jefferson was..
Wrote the Virginia statute of religious freedom gave people in Virginia the right to worship as they want. People could choose their own religion. Wrote Declaration of Independence