Intraperitoneal GLOSSS organs?
GB, Liver, Ovaries, Stomach, Spleen & Some bowel
What is the organs “skin” ?
What is lesser sac?
Aka Omental bursa, between pancreas & stomach
Exudate is what ascites?
Transudate is what ascites?
What is the Subhepatic space?
Inferior to Kidney, Rt posterior subhepatic space AKA Morisons pouch
what is FAST scan?
Focused Assessment w Sonography for Trauma
(looking for ff or hemoperitoneum)
What is in the Perirenal space?
Kidney, adrenals & ureter
Anterior pararenal space?
Panc, duodenum, ascending &descending colon
Posterior pararenal space?
What is portal triads?
Portal Vein, Proper Hepatic Artery & Common hepatic duct
Runs between segments: Fissures, hepatic veins, ligaments & GB
What separates the RT anterior/ LT medial of liver?
Middle hepatic vein, Main Lobar Fissure & GB
Ligamentum Venosum?
Remnant of ductus venosus ( separates the left lobe of liver from the caudate lobe )
Ligamentum Teres?
AKA round ligament: in utero= umbilical vein, inside the falciform ligament
With portal hypertension what happens to ligamentum teres?
It recanalizes to form a portosystemic venous collateral
What supplies blood flow to liver?
MPV (70-75%) & Proper Hepatic Artery (Low resistant)
(MPV is Hepatopedal & low velocity minimally phasic)
Hepatic Veins
Drains blood & goes to RT Atrium (triphasic) & Hepatofugal
Liver measurement
Normal up to 15cm
(slightly echogenic compared to kidney)
MPV < 13 mm (is the upper limit)
Low Resistance (other names)
Increased end diastolic flow
Decreased resistive index
Decreased pulsatility index
Diffuse Liver Labs?
ALT (Alanine Transamimase)
ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase)
AST (Aspartate Transaminase)
Biliruben when elevated?
Hyperbilirubinemia = Jaundice
Indirect (Unconjugated) bilirubin?
Not yet gone through the liver
Direct (Conjugated) bilirubin?
Acute liver disease
Biliary Obstruction
Total Bilirubin (Direct + Indirect) ?
Usually liver disease/failure
Most Common diffuse liver disease?
Fatty liver aka hepatic steatosis
Elevated LFTS (ALP,AST, ALT)
Sono: echogenic,dense & poor thru transmission & poor visualization of vascular
Focal Fatty Sparing?
Focal hypo area. Patch of normal liver. Most common location is next to GB/Porta Hepatis
What is Cirrhosis?
Live cell death & fibrosis/liver failure.
Elevated LFTS (ALT,ALP, AST) , Jaundice (total or direct) , weight loss, diarrhea & fatigue
Sono: heterogenous/coarse texture, small rt lobe & enlarged caudate, ascites
What is the Sequela/Progression of Cirrhosis?
Portal Hypertension & increased risk of HCC
eval pv for thrombosis & hcc
What causes Portal Hypertension?
Most common cause is cirrhosis
Blood backs up into Splenic V , coronary (lt gastric) will dilate & form varices / venous collateral’s
Clinical: same as cirrhosis + caput medusa(superficial abd veins) & gi bleeding
Sono: hepatofugal PV flow, >13 mm, abd varices= dilated venous collateral’s near spleen, stomach & esophagus, splenomegaly & recanalized paraumbilical vein
What is the treatment for Portal Hypertension