What is a BATNA?
best alternative to a negotiated agreement.
four steps for assessing the BATNA
- list your alternatives
- evaluate your alternatives
- establish your BATNA
- calculate your reservation price
what is the black knight strategy?
my way or fight
what is the white dove strategy?
peace at all costs
what is the walkaway?
the point at which you loose interest in a deal
what is the ZOPA?
zone of potential agreement.
what differences create value?
differences in valuations
differences in risk attitude
differences in time preference
differences in capabilities
differences in expectations
what is positional bargaining?
people locking themselves into position that they cannot see a way out
how to avoid positional bargaining
avoid taking hard stands (unless it really is your outer limit)
early on, talk about your numbers in terms of “maybe” - that leaves the door open to new issues
when should you make the first offer
make your offer when you are confident of the value of their walkaway
what characterizes a good first offer?
you want to make an offer that really makes them have to stretch to meet you. The ideal proposal is one that is not accepted nor rejected too quickly.
4 steps of the formal analysis of decisions
- decision structuring
- assessment and information gathering
- evaluation of the decision problem
- sensitivity analysis
how to calculate which decision leads to the highes profit?
folding back the decision tree
decision biases
- forgetting non-monetary consequences
- not goot at estimating probabilities
auction formats: how bids are collected
- sealed bid
- ascending bid
- descending bid