What are the days of creation
The 7 days that it took God to make the world.
What happened on the first day?
God created light and dark.
What happened on the second day?
God created the sky
What happened on the third day?
God created the earth, sea and plants
What happened on the fourth day?
God created the sun, moon ans starts.
What happened on the fifth day?
God created air, sea creatires and birds
What happened on the sixth day?
God created animals and humans
What happened on the seventh day
God rested
Who explains that religion ans science are not at conflict with eachother.
Russel stamard
What is the old testament about
Everything before Jesus
What is the new testament about?
Eveeything after Jesus
What do Fundamentalists believe?
The bible is the word of God, word for word.
What do conseravtives believe?
The bible is the word of God interpreted
What do Liberals believe?
The bible is the word of God interpreted and sometimes wrongly.
What is natural law?
Natural law are moral princicples and values that are considered to be inherited by all humans.