Flashcard Terms (E's)
Economies of Scale
A proportionate savings in costs gained by an increased level of production
An order of a government prohibiting the departure of commercial ships from its ports
Value of the shares of a company
Ethical Consumerism
A movement in which consumers make purchasing decisions based on a company’s ethical profile
Field of philosophy that deals with the morality of what is considered right and wrong
HR strategy of hiring only people from the home country for key positions in foreign subsidiaries
The belief that one’s own culture is most important
Computing system capable of at least one exaflop or a billion billion (i.e., a quintillion) calculations per second
Exchange Rate Regime
The way in which an authority manages its currency in relation to other currencies and the foreign exchange market
Exchange Rates
The price of one currency expressed in terms of units of another currency
A person who lives outside of their own native country.
Export Strategy
An international commerce strategy that focuses on shipping domestic products to other countries
A commodity, good, or service sold abroad