Flashcard Practice
Insider/Outsider perspective
An Insider perspective of the study of religion is a perspective that follows a religion with the purpose of following that religion. The insider may be a practicing Christian or Muslim who studies their religion to grow more knowledgeable and closer to their God. An outsider perspective is one in which the student is not attempting to adhere to the religion but to become more knowledgeable of the religion. This perspective is an academic one and would be represented by a student studying Christianity or Islam in a non-religious classroom setting.
The emperor of the roman empire during 300 AD, and the first emperor to support christianity. Under Constantine’s empire christianity was favored and christians could live freely and practice publicly. Constantine also allowed a lot of christian development like the construction of Churches in Rome and Jerusalem. He made Sunday the official day of rest in Constantinople and he expanded the power of the Clergy. Constantine supported christianity and ade his empire a pro christian state.
People came along with ideas that were different from traditional christian beliefs. God did not create the world, a spirit fell out of the spirit realm and that is what created the physical world. Because of this the body is viewed as bad but the spirit is still good and the body is banned and the goal is to free your spirit from your body. The underlying theme is that Jesus came to bring secret divine knowledge to his followers and it was believed that the body was bad and spirit was good so Jesus did not have a human body.
Means thanksgiving, sharing a meal to give thanks, the Lord’s Supper. This ritual is started because of the Last supper where Jesus created the Eucharist to celebrate his final covenant. In previous times it was a big meal but now it is just bread and wine, and this ritual takes place on Sunday. The bread and the wine is considered the blood and body of Jesus, and part of the ritual represents forgiveness of sins.
It used to be an acknowledgment of sin but now Baptism is the forgiveness of sins. It represents the death and rebirth of Christ, giving up on your old life for a holy new one. Being plunged into the water represents entering into the tomb of Christ and rising from the water represents rising into a new life.
Bishops are incharge, they teach and govern the followers of god priests and deacons serve under bishops. Men can only be bishops women are not allowed to be. They work in Churches and have the ability to make church law.
Perpetua is arrested and held for trial due to being a christian During this time. She has two children and her family, friends and her go through turmoil due to her being in Jail and not giving up her tidal status as a Christain. But Holy Spirit come to her and promises that she and her friends will have their wished upon death and being granted passage to Heaven due to her devout beliefs.
Kingdom Of God
The kingdom of god is not a real place, it is the ability to fight against sin. Jesus says that it is not something people can see and point too but it is within you.
John the Baptist
John the baptist was a prophet who baptised people in the Jordan RIver. He lived in the desert and ate honey and locust. He prophesized the coming of Jesus and Baptised people in preperation for the coming kingdom.
Sermon on the Mount
The sermon on the mount is on Pages 5-7 of the gospel of Mathew. It is a collection of teachings said by Jesus that tells christains how to live.
A concept in the bible that is also reffered to as the word of god because Jesus is the word of god Logos is Jesus and is also god himself.
The pentecost is a Jewish festible that occurs so days after passover audits signicant to christianity because the holy spirit decended apon the apostles.
The first 5 books in the Hebrew bible. Genesis, exodus, leviticus, Number, Duteronomy
Was called by god to journey to the holy land where he founded isreal. He was also told by god to kill his son isaac but when he went to do it gad stoped him and he kills a sheap instead.
WHen Moses leads the jewish poeple who were inslaved out of Egypt where he parted the red sea. Wander in the dessert for 40 years until finding the holy land.
A Covenant
A leagal binding. In the bible god made a covenant where he blassed abraham and his decendents as long as they follow 10 comondments.
Day of atonement
This is the final Judgment that will occur with the return of the messiah where people will attone for their sins.
Was secretly annoited to be the king of Isreal by the prophet samuel and replaces the current king and he created the capital Jerusalum.
he was the prophet who was sent to show isreal the evil of thier ways and performed mericles such as healins people and multiples loaves of bread.
Was a prophet who was a shepperd. He was illiterate but was inspiered by god to critique leaders, the rich, and religious leaders. He succesfelly prophecised the fall of the norther kingdom.
Babalonian Exile
When the Jewish people were exiled from Isreal by the babalonians until the babelonians were concored by the persains and the jewish people were allowed o come back and rebuild thier temple.
A jewish temple which is used for prayer worship and study.
Apocalyptic eshatology
This is the idea that i the end time god will punish the whicked and reward the faithful.
Opposed jew rebuilding israel, whish lead to conflicts between groups. One day, a smaeritan tended to a man who had been beaten and robbed, yet nobody else would help him. Jesus used him as a symbol to show that everyone is a neighbor, even enemies.
Herod the Great
Herod the great was the king of judea when jesus was born and when he heard about the infant messiah he tried to have him killed. He ordered the death of all children in bethleham.
Pauls Letter
Paul is sypathizing to Gentiles becau they’re being forced to obeying mosaic law. Spirit of jesus enables poeple to be saved, not just laws. Laws were put into place to lead poeple to christ. “No one is justified before god by the law”.
jerusalem Confrance
The apostles in jerusalem declair that the gentile christians do not have to follow the torah.
Letter to the Galatians
Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians to counter the message of missionaries who visited Galatia after he left. These missionaries taught that Gentiles must follow parts of the Jewish Law in order to be saved.
Seven dimentions of religion.