Flashcard data - Brainscape (6)
industrial camouflage
An attempt to make the physical presence of a building as nondescript as possible so that to a casual viewer, the building does not look like it houses anything important.
A tall, permanent structure to keep out unauthorized personnel.
Written information on fencing that explains the area is restricted.
Illumination of a secured area so that it can be viewed after dark.
Fencing Deterrents
-Anticlimb paint
-Anticlimb collar
-Roller barrier
-Rotating spikes
Anticlimb paint
A nontoxic petroleum gel-based paint that is thickly applied and does not harden, making any coated surface very difficult to climb.
Anticlimb collar
Spiked collar that extends horizontally for up to 3 feet (1 meter) from the pole to prevent anyone from climbing it; serves as both a practical and visual deterrent.
Roller barrier
Independently rotating large cups (diameter of 5 inches or 115 millimeters) affixed to the top of a fence prevents the hands of intruders from gripping the top of a fence to climb over it.
Rotating spikes
Installed at the top of walls, gates, or fences; the tri-wing spike collars rotate around a central spindle.
Objects generally designed to block the passage of traffic.