Flashcard 1
Does SIPC protect separate customers or separate accounts?
Separate customers. A customer with both a cash and margin account with a BD would be covered once.
True or False: Jim’s joint account with his wife is considered a separate customer by SIPC.
True. E.g. Jim’s cash and margin account are combined for coverage, but Jim’s joint account with his spouse is separate.
If a BD goes bankrupt, what happens to securities registered in the customer’s name?
They are returned to the customer without regard to SIPC limitations.
The Securities Act of 1933 regulates _____________.
new issues. (The primary market)
What is the primary purpose of the Securities Act of 1933?
Provide investors with full and fair disclosure regarding new issues (prospectus)
True or False: The SEC judges an offering’s investment merit and provides approval.
List the securities that are exempt from registration.
Government/municipal bonds, commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, bank issues, non-profit and small business issues
Though some securities are exempt from registration, nothing is exempt from the ____________ provisions of the Act.
What are the justifiable reasons for denying an individual’s registration?
Conviction for any felony or securities-related misdemeanor within the last 10 years
True or False: An American Depositary Receipt (ADR) is a security.
Is an option on a commodity futures contract a security?
Yes. The futures contract is not, but the option is a security. Options could be based on an equity, index, or currency.
Would an interest in a real estate condominium development be considered a security?
True or False: Precious metals are not considered securities.
Is a voting trust certificate a security?
Is a Keogh plan considered a security?
No, but Keogh plan participation is considered a security.
Is an investment interest in livestock considered a security?
Is a certificate of interest in a mining lease a security?
Is a fixed annuity a security?
No, but variable contracts (e.g., variable annuities or variable life insurance) are considered securities.
Is an endowment life insurance policy a security?
Is a variable life insurance policy a security?
Yes, but a term or universal life insurance policy is not considered a security
Is a universal life insurance policy considered a security?
Is Keogh plan participation considered a security?
Yes, but the Keogh plan itself is not a security.
Is a 401(k) plan considered a security?
Is treasury stock considered a security?
Yes. Treasury stock is stock that was issued and subsequently repurchased by the company.
Is a debenture considered a security?
Yes. A debenture is an unsecured corporate bond.
Is a preemptive right considered a security?
Is a warrant a security?
Yes. Warrants are financial instruments that allow investors to acquire stock at a preset price.
Is a preorganization certificate considered a security?
Is an IRA account considered a security?
Is a futures contract considered a security?
No, but an option on a futures contract is a security.
Is a multi-level distributorship considered a security?
Is a limited partnership a security?
Is an interest in oil and gas drilling program considered a security
Is a whiskey warehouse receipt considered a security?
Is a firm that has an office in a state, but only deals with institutional clients in the state, considered a BD?
Yes, because the firm established an office in the state.
Is a bank whose trust department occasionally executes securities transactions considered a BD?
No. Banks are excluded from the BD definition.
If a corporation raises capital by selling new shares of its stock to the public, is it considered a BD?
No. The corporation is an issuer and issuers are excluded from the BD definition.
Is a bank holding company that occasionally executes securities transactions considered a BD?
Yes. Bank holding companies are not excluded from the BD definition.
Is a firm with no office in a state that only deals with institutional clients in the state considered a BD?
No. The firm is excluded from the BD definition.
Is a firm with no office in Ohio that effects trades in Ohio with 6 clients residing in Iowa considered a BD?
No. The firm is excluded from the BD definition in OH (no office in OH and only deals with existing Iowa clients).