Flash Cards Pt. 2
Three Point Estimating: Triangular Distribution
Can be calculated by taking the averages of the optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely cost estimates.
Three-Point Estimating: Beta Distribution
Estimate a cost by applying a weighted averages of the optimistic, pessimistic and most likely estimates.
Iteration Retrospective
Specialized meeting that is held by the project team at the end of an iteration. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss what went well during the iterations as well as what improvements can be made for future
Autocratic decision making
One individual takes responsibility for making the decisions
Multicriteria decision analysis
Utilizes a decision matrix to provide a systematic analytical approach to evaluate requested changes according to a set of predefined criteria
Schedule Network Diagram
Graphical representation of the logical relationships among the project schedule activities. Output of sequence activities process
Joint Application Design/Development (JAD) sessions focus on brining business subject matter experts and he development team together to gather requirements and improve the software development process
Critical Path
The sequence of activities that represent the longest path through a project, which determines the shortest possible project duration.
Why-Why Diagram
Cause-and-effect diagrams are known as fishbone, why-why, or Ishikawa Diagrams. This diagram breaks down the causes of the problem statement identified into discrete branches, helping to identify the main or root cause of the problem
Resource Breakdown Schedule RBS
Hierarchical list of team and physical resources related by category and type that is used for planning, managing, and controlling project work.
Control Charts
Are used to determine if a process is producing results that are within acceptable limits.
Cost of Quality
(COQ) - data analysis technique that can be used to determine the optimal COQ which reflects the appropriate balance for investing in the cost of prevention and appraisal (cost of conformance) to avoid failure costs (cost of nonconformance)
Sensitivity analysis
Analysis technique to determine which individual project risks or other sources of uncertainty have the most potential impact on project outcomes, by correlating variations in project outcomes with variations in elements of a quantitative risk analysis model.
Quality Metrics
Defined in Plan Quality Management. They describe the project or product attributes and how the control quality process will verify compliance with them.
Rolling Wave Planning
Iterative planning process which will allow near-term activities to be planned in detail while leaving activities further out planned at high level.
Formula for potential communication channels
n*(n-1)/2 (remember to count the PM as a stakeholder)
What is included in the project charter
Project vision, mission, purpose, objectives, success criteria, high-level requirements, risks, assumptions, list of key stakeholders, project manager assigned, milestone schedule and key deliverables
Design for X (DFX)
Set of technical guidelines that may be applied during the design of a product for optimization of a specific aspect of the design
Risk Breakdown Structure
Hierarchical representation of potential sources of risk.
Manage Quality Process
Translating the quality management plan into executable quality activities
Control Quality Process
Monitoring and recording results of executing the quality management activities
Opportunity Cost
The value of the best alternative given up when a choice is made. (cannot be sunk costs, but can be a project that didn’t go forward)
Pareto Chart
Type of histogram that shows how many results were created by each identified cause and then places them in order of occurrences. Primary purpose of a Pareto chart, as it relates to quality management, is to determine the main contributors of defects