Flash Cards for Prophetic Guidance 2018
“Revelation,” -
“Inspiration,” -
“Illumination” -
A direct message from God to the Prophet
Message was given from Prophet to the audience
Human not inspired but shared from a human to another
SDA Bible Dictionary definition of a prophet:
A person supernaturally called and qualified as a spokesperson for God.
The major themes of the OT written prophets:
Judgement Repentance Promise of a blessing God is sovereign Hope
The Greek conception of the prophetes and the conception of the oracle at Delphi as a speaking tube for the god:
Sat over a vent inside a cave. Inhaled smoke and became intoxicated.Spoke gibberish.
They saw it as prophetic activity from God.
It was a word for word verbal inspiration idea.
Contrast the work of an OT prophet with that of the OT priest
- Called
- Represents God to the people
- Spread a message to the people from God
- Righteousness
- Heredity
- People spoke to God for the people
- Ritual worship of God
- Ceremony
What happened to the church after it rejected the continued work of the Holy Spirit in the prophetic office:
accepted creed, succession, institution
The classic tests of a prophet with a scripture text to support them:
MUST match the previous revelation-Isaiah 8:20
Predictions come true-Deuteronomy 18:21-23
Fruit Comes true-Matthew 7:16
A correct view of Christ-1 John 4:1-3
Came to Luther’s Wittenberg claiming to have had visions.
They considered Martin Luther a fake. Luther spoke out against them and they eventually disappeared. Followers of Luther who claimed to have prophetic inspiration.
The source of the Munster debacle-
Munster Germany declared Lutheran! More Anabaptist than Lutherans–Jan Matthys degrees all Catholics and Lutherans leave the city. The city is basically institutes communism.
“Enthusiasts” -
One who the form of religion but without power
One who falsely claimed inspiration
The “Midnight Cry.”-
The message of Jesus’ coming 10-22-1844
Ellen White’s early accident and its impact on her life-
After Ellen White was struck by a rock and injured in the nose she felt ugly and reached out to Jesus. She had many doubts and visited with Elder Stockman who helped her understand that Jesus’ love and Grace for her.
Ellen White’s spiritual experience Levi Stockman-
Adventist Methodist minister, expelled who helped Ellen White to understand that Jesus loved her.
The meaning of Ellen White’s first vision and how it addressed the concerns of the Millerite Adventists:
God was leading in the Millerite movement and the Midnight Cry.
Jesus is still coming again- no time set!
Heaven is a real place, it’s not here now, flowers do not fade.
Jesus is at the center, Jesus leads.
Hazen Foss-
Portland, Maine-
Sergeant and Robbins-
Lost the call to be a prophet, felt he had no hope!
Ellen Harmons Hometown
Fanatical Adventist opposed to Ellen White
What were the fanatical ideas that Ellen Harmon had to meet in the earliest part of her ministry?
Fanatics believed that Jesus had already come into the bodies of Christians
Heaven is in our hearts (almost pantheism)
Advocated spiritual wifery
Shakers…no children, no marriage