Flash Cards for Bar Courses - Trusts
Interests of Trustee & Beneficiary
Trustee: Holds legal interest– who has responsibiliyt of ownership
Beneficiary: holds equitable or beneficial interst, who recieves the benefits of ownership – has little to no control over the trust or the trust property
The person who causes the trust to come into existence by suppluing the initial trust property
Initial Trust Property
Initial trust property is required for the trust to be effective. If a trust is executed but no trust property – the trust becomes effective when property is placed into trust
Express Trusts
Are createred by the express intention of the settlor.
Private- private beneficiaries
Charitable - charistable beneficiaries
Trusts created by Operation of Law
Resulting trusts- These trusts arise from the presumed intention of the owner of the property
- resulting trust on failure of express trust: i.e. trust is void, beneficiary is dead, or where cy pres is inappliable. In such events, the trust terminates and teh settlor becomes the benefiary of the resulting trust
Constructive Trusts - are an equitable remedy used to prevent unjust enrichment
- must be requested
- Requires particular property
Elements of a Valid Trust
- Intent
- Indentifiable Corpus (property)
- Ascertainable beneficiaries
- Proper Purpose
- Mechanics and formalities
Intent 5 elements
Express trust requirements are
1. a Settloer w/ capacity to convey
2. a present intent to create a trust relationship
3. competent trustee w/ duties
4. a definite beneficiary
5. the same person is not the sole trustee and sole beneficiary
Identifiable Corpus
Property must be ascertainable w/ certainty
- where there is no property, there is no trust
- trust property must be an existing interest in exisiting property
Ascertainable Beneficiares
Qualified Beneficiary: who on the date the beneficairy’s qualiification is determined is a 1) current beneficiary or (2) a first-line remainderman
Acceptance by beneficiary is req. but can take place after trust is created. Can be express, implied, and is generally presumed
Beneficiary can also disclaim an interest in a trust
Beneficiaries must be definite
Trust purpose
Generally, a trust may be created for any purpose unless it is:
1) illegal
2) contrary to public policy
3) impossible to acheve
4) intended to defraud settlor’s creditors based on illegal consideration
Acts contrary to public poliocy
If the turst is to induce other sto engaeg in criminal or tortious acts; encourage immorality; or induce a person to neglect paternal, familial, or civic duties
A person accepts a trusteeship by
1) signing the tusrt or a seperate written acceptance
2) substantially complying w/ the acceptance terms in the trust instrument, or
3) accepting delivery of trust property, exercising powers as trustee, or indicating acceptance
A trustee can be anyone who has capacity to acquire and hold property – minors and insane ppl cannot be trustees
Removal of trustee
Ct can remove a trustee on its own or upon request if
1) a serious breach of trust
2) seriois lack of coorpoertation
3) unfitness, unwillingness, or persistent faluer to administer, or
4) a substantial change in circumstances
Trustee Resigniation
Upon 30 day notice or ct approval
Writing Req. for trusts of land
For a trust of land a written instrument signed by the rperson entited to impress thre trust is req for the SOF
part perfomance precludes SOF