Flash Cards For Assesment
What is Cardiovascular fitness?
Cardiovascular fitness is where you have the ability to train/test your fitness for long amounts of periods of time!
How would you test Cardiovascular fitness?
You would run the 12 minute cooper run and would try to cover as much distance as possible.
You would push yourself as hard as you can trying not to walk.
Give one athlete that would use cardiovascular fitness?
A Triathalon runner/biker/swimmer would need cardiovascular fitness to ensure that they can finish the cource in a suitinle amount of time!
What is the definition for speed?
This is the rate at which an individual can perform movement or cover a cirtain distance!
How do you test speed?
A 30m sprint is measured out and you would set of as quick as possible from a standing start. You would sprint to the finish line as fast as you can!
Give one athlete that would use speed?
Sprinters would use speed to help them win the race overall!
What is the definition for Agility?
This is where you have the ability to control the movement of the whole body and change position quickly!
How would we test Agility?
We would lie down face down on the floor at the starting point. On the wistle , jump onto your feet and make your way round the course to finish!
Give on athlete that would use agility?
A tennis player would use agility trying to get to the ball on the first bounce where ever placed!
What is the definiton for flexibility?
This is the range of motion of your joints!
How would you perform Flexibility?
You would first ensure that your warmed up ready for the test.
Then you would sit straight-legged with your feet touching the start of the measuring block.
Reach forward in a smooth motion, pushing forward the object with your fingertips.
What athlete would use felibility?
A Gymnast would use flexibility as they come acrross many athletic challenges/ need to perform flexible movements!
What is the definition of Balance?
This is where you are able to keep the body stable, while at rest in motion!
How would you perform this test?
You would stand up upright with your hands on hips. One leg will be lifted and the toes of the leg are places on the knee of the other leg!
You would balance for as long as possible in that position!
What athlete would use balance?
Athletic diving would need balance as to stand on the diving bored in many positions ect.