flash cards 50 questions
definition of sociology
Science of society, social relationships, social interactions.
soc imagination
connect basic intimate aspects individual impersonal remote historical.
soc institution
complex group together perform social n reproduce themselves narrow sense institutions shape behavior
Analyze bases social order science should be applied to the study
law 3
tmp- theological, methapyshical, positive
Herbert spencer
2 founder sociology ‘‘survival of the fittest’’ helping the poor was wrong ‘’ less fit survival’’ evolunary theory philosphy
herbert spencer
the famous doctrine of social, Darwinism asserted principles of evolution natural selection human societies biological species social classes
Coined phase survival of the fittest
coin coin phare survival fit est
Karl marx
class conflict explotation workers (proletariant) designed engaged indrustial production.
Emile duck
social labor rules of sociological method, suicidal, forms of sociological society externed a powerful force individuals
emilie duck
recognized as separate discipline
social forces affect behavior
affect people behavior
underline suicidal
social groups as key factor in suicide
max weber
affects people’s orientation
Protestant ethic spirit of capitalism still controversial
first to translate comte’s writting french to english intruduced english speaking scholars, published sociology in america analysis of family race gender politics and rellagion
jane adams
peace work imagrats worl war 1
william e
studied life time btw african and whites
developed models of society influence a generation of sociologist
analysis of the power elite
theoritical perspectavies inn soc
sociologist 3
SI-sybmbolic interactions
FA-Functionalism Analysis
CT- conflict theory m l