Flash Cards
Characteristics of a normal child
Independence Self motivation Love of order Ability to work Self discipline Freedom of choice No need for rewards or punishments Obedience
When speaking of the normalised or socialised child we mean a child who has…
Realised their full potential
Able to utilise his capabilities to the fullest
Well balanced
At peace with himself
What is normalization
When a child becomes a well adjusted member of the group and as he develops self image he will become independent
Self reliant
Ability to concentrate
Deviated traits
Caprice: sudden change of attitude Disorder: state of untidiness Timidity: easily frightened Sloth: laziness Extra-social: friendlier than is usual
Normal traits
Concentration Work: instead of play Discipline: developed self-control Sociability: friendly and companionable Super-social: quality friendship
Stages of development: stage one
Birth to three. unconscious but absorbent mind.
Three to six. conscious mind still absorbing.
They have now developed a memory and a will.
Stages of development: stage two
Six to twelve: period for acquisition of culture.
Stages of development: stage three
Twelve to eighteen years
Acquisition of independence
Child needs as much care and attention as they did when under six years old
The absorbent mind
Maria M believes children have absorbent minds. They soak up information from the environment.
0-3 years unconscious learning
3-6 years consciousness learning
The sensitive periods
Order Refinement of the senses Language Walking Small objects Social aspects of life
The sensitive periods 2
Sorting and categorising experiences
Needs order in their life
Likes to be cared for by primary caregiver in a familiar environment
18 months may become upset with minor changes
Coinsides with the realisation that he can move objects from one place to another
Order helps to orientate and organise their mind
Areas of practical life
Elementary movement
Care of the person
Care of the environment
Social skills
Elementary movements
Exercises to develop the child’s manipulative skills and co-ordination
“The hand is the instrument of the brain”
Elementary movement aims
Develops child’s manipulative skills
Movement is basic to all intellectual development
Trains gross motor movements
Trains finer motor movements
Care of the person
Independence Skills for looking after oneself Develops self esteem Maintains child's dignity Makes them aware of their own needs Teaches self-respect Develops the child's social skills
Care of the environment
Introduce child to routine tasks
Encourages responsibility
Develops self satisfaction
Helps the child to become a more competent and sociable member of a group
Social skills
Politeness and good manners
He to behave with dignity
Behave in a sociable way
Introduces child to norms and ways of his own culture
Makes child a respected member of society