Flash Cards
- 1973 Part of Rehabilitation Act?
2. Federally Funded?
- 504 Plan
2. No
Vocational technical education in US is reauthorized 1984
PL 109-270
Builds on immigration act of 1965
Refugee Act of 1980
Required persecution rather than provenance be the case for entrance into the US.
2005 Intelligent Design as an alternative to evolution violates the first amendment
Kitzmiller vs Dover School District
Intelligent Design was a form of creationism stating there were gaps in the evolution theory.
2007 Usage of terms. Intellectual disability instead of retarded
American Assoc of Intellectual and Development Disabilities (AAIDD)
Prayer violates the 1st amendment
Wallace vs Jaffree
Denying education to undocumented Immigrants eventually overturned
Prop 187
2003 Enhances online learning K-12 and requires a set of standards.
North American Council for Online Learning
1975 FAPE Students individual needs and least restrictive environment
PL 94-142
Students with mental retardation are entitled to public education 1971
Pennsylvania Assoc. of Retarded Children ( PARC) vs Pennsylvania
School vouchers are constitutional regardless of whether the school of choice is private or public.
Establishment Clause - Government cannot establish one religion or be partial to a religion.
Zelman vs Simmons Harris
Authoritative vs Intrinsic Motivation Leadership Theory.
X and Y Theory
Autocratic- authoritative
Democratic- sharing leadership
Abdicratic- no leadership
Lazzi Faire- given to worker
4 Leadership styles
Adds autism and traumatic brain injury to the eligibility list 1990
PL 101-476
1994 Reform for Title 1 (Bill Clinton) PL 103-382
Improving American Schools (IASA)
Required that Title 1 students have the same expectations and requirements as regular ed students
Meso- interactions not effecting the individual
Exo- community
Macro-society and culture
Ecological Theory
Environment influences changes and utilizes collaboration
5 Elements (input, process, output, feedback, environment)
Open Systems Theory
Prochaska and DiClemente
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
Change Theory- Transtheoretical Behavioral change model
- coercive
- authoritative
- affiliative
- democratic
- pacesetting
- coaching
Daniel Goleman Leadership Styles
Uses self esteem and self actualization
Motivational Hygiene Theory
Social interactions leads to continuous step by step changes in childrens thoughts and behaviors.
Believed social environment could help cognitive development
- change agent
- teamwork
- continuous improvement
- trust building
- eradication of short term goals
Edward Deming (14 principles of management)
9 instructional strategies
- similarities and differences
- summarize and note taking
- reinforcing effort
- homework/practice
- non linguistic rep
- cooperative learning
- setting objectives
- testing hypothesis
- cues, questions, advanced organizers
Al Burr 3 types of teachers
Series of crisis and events that individuals pass through at different stages of life.
Erickson 8 stages of life.
6 steps
- self awareness
- others perception
- compile and reconcile
- insights for self renewal
- action plan
- renew
Reinhartz Self Assessment Model
Analytical psy.
extrovert/ introvert
cognitive behavioral
replace self defeating thoughts with healthy thoughts
Albert Ellis
Madeline Hunter
explicit teaching of a skill set
Direct Instruction Theory
Developed zero balanced budgeting
approval of all expenditures not just increases
Peter Pyhrr
Effective leaders practice attention, meaning, self, and trust as a leader
Bennis Management Meaning of Concept
All public school instruction be taught in English
Prop 227
Learning occurs through experience
All expenses must be justified for each new period
Budgets are built around what is needed for an upcoming period
Zero Based Budgeting
Believed the best way to understand behavior was through
“causes of actions and its consequences”
rewards and punishments
National Board Professional Teaching Standards
Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning
Prop 3
cognitive development
growth and development occur in stages
Learners form associations or connections between stimulus and response
Joseph Renzulli
People construct knowledge by comparing new ideas with their current knowledge
7 forms of intelligence
- linguistic
- logical math
- spatial
- kinesthetic
- musical
- intrapersonal
- interpersonal
- safe climate
- excerise
- growth mind set
- feed back
- start early
- embrace novelty
Brain Based Learning
For different kinds of learning different conditions are needed
- positive interdependence
- promote interactions
- accountability
- interaction
- group processing
Elements of Cooperative Learning
Multicultural Curriculum Reform
level 1 contributions approach (holidays)
level 2 additive approach (add ethnic content)
level 3 transformational approach (viewing others culture)
level 4 social action approach (decision solving)
James Banks
3 phases of curriculum development
Hierarchy of Needs
Physiology, safety, love, esteem, self actualization
4 stage process of group dynamics
- inception
- tech problem solving
- conflict resolution
- execution
Microsystem Theory
family, culture
0-2 sensorimotor (motor development)
3-7 pre operational (intuitive)
8-11 concrete operational (logical but not abstract)
12-15 formal operational (abstract)
- knowledge
- comprehension
- application
- analysis
- synthesis
- evaluation
Provides federal funds to help low income students
Elementary and Secondary Ed Act (ESEA)
Samuel Kirk 1963
Association of Children with Learning Disabilities
Know as Title 7
Replaced by NCLB
Bilingual Education Act
Project Head Start
Preschool ed plan for low income families
Ended discrimination with voting and segregation
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Ended the literacy piece of voting requirements
Civil Rights Act 1965
1948 Schools cannot allow release time for religious activities
McCollum vs Board of Ed
Rehabilitation act of 1973
Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 (private and public section)
This board provides guidelines for accounting and financial best practices
Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
School boards’ powers come from….
Enacted laws by Congress
New name of Individuals with Disabilities Act
What leadership theory promotes structure, rules, policies, regulations and procedures?
Classical Organizational Theory
Range from 9-1
7-9 above average
4-6 average
1-3 below
Rough measurement of how others perform in relation to one another
Stanine Score
What is CIPP model for evaluation?
Content, Input, Process, Product
Unique yearly targets in math and reading for a subgroup
Annual Measurable Objectives
Parents have the right to give a school feedback
Can file a complaint with dept. of ed
Athletic, extracurricular, scholarship program, instructional methods and curriculum can be challenged by parents
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Must have an associates degree or higher
Work under a highly qualified teacher
Translators do not have to adhere to the above
NCLB Paraprofessionals
Separate educational facilities are unequal
(Plessy vs Ferguson) 1896
Brown vs Board of Education
- zero reject
- protection in evaluation process-non bias testing
- Least restrictive environment
- due process procedures
- parent and school participation
6 Principles of IDEA
Equal increments above or below the mean
Standard Deviation of Acceptable Data
current budget is started from the previous years budget
can include carry over
Incremental Budget
0 AYP not met 1 school improvement 2 continue school improvement 3 corrective action 4 plan reconstructioning 5 continue reconstruction and implement
Stages of AYP
can use and instructional delivery method
must be supplemental instead of supplamental
are not designed to compensate classroom teachers
Title I
Grants citizenship to natural born
Due process of law
Civil rights
14th ammendment
- introduction
- financial
- statistical
- compliance and control
Comprehensive Financial Report
Based on prioritized goals
Priority Based Budget
Uses statements of missions, goals and objectives to explain why money is spent
Performance Budgeting
Listing of objects for itemized expenditures
Line Item Budgeting
Identifies program objectives
calculate total program costs over a long period of time
Program Planning Budgeting Evaluation System
National Board Professional Teaching Standards
Teachers are committed to their students and their learning
Prop 1
National Board Professional Teaching Standards
Teachers are members of learning communities
Prop 5
1982 Denying education to undocumented children is unconstitutional.
Plyer vs Doe
National Board Professional Teaching Standards
Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
Prop 4
African Americans have the legal right to vote
Civil Rights Act of 1957
National Board Professional Teaching Standards
Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach it to their students
Prop 2
7 Elements that are crucial to instruction
- anticipatory set
- standards, expectations, objectives, purpose
- instruction
- guided practice
- closure
- independent practice
- additional reinforcement
Behavior management approach used by teachers “consistency is key”
Neo - Skinnerian
specifies funds for a specific purpose
Program Budget
Budget controlled by the main district office and distributed equally
Centralized Budget
- facilitate learning and creativity
- . design digital age learning
- model digital age work
- model digital citizenship
- engage in professional growth
International Society of Tech in Education (ISTE)
Focuses on how decisions regarding the curriculum are being implemented
These funds can be used for:
- Building new schools
- Renovations
Typically comes from bonds
Capital Funds
What theory:
- addresses the disputer of both parties?
- compromises to solve the dispute
- develops and agreement that includes an action plan
- identifies the outcome for both sides
Negotiation Theory
What part of IDEA deals with annual reviews of a child’s IEP?
Part B
What type of capital would books fall under?
This type of budget requires an estimation of receipts and expenditures.
Mechanical equipment would be part of this outlay budget.
capital outlay
This act envisions:
- all students will start school ready to learn
- high school grad. rate will be 90%
- students be drug free
- leaders in math and science
- promote parent involvement
- community ready
- teachers highly trained
- adult literacy
Goals 2000 Educate America Act
This type of funding allows for a greater degree of equalization via flat grants. What is it?
Refined Foundation Program
Which of the following methods best helps teachers to transition into the role of leaders?
Self Managed Teams
Which of the following program options for non Native English speaking students covers the same content in English speaking classes and adapt the language component to meet the proficiency needs of the students?
Sheltered English
What educational program was funded by Title V of the Social Security Act of 1996?
Abstinence only education
This instructional method was created by Taba.
Inquiry- Learning- Inductive
To create a positive affective environment in a school, much has been said about the sizes of schools and teacher to student ratios. What is the consensus for the maximum size of a successful secondary school?
What are the four school improvement models?
- Restart
- Turnaround
- Consolidation
- Transformation
Budgeting Stages
According to Burrup, Brimley and Garfield, there are six steps to the budgeting process. These steps are: (1) Conduct a needs assessment. (2) Create and prioritize goals. (3) Establish objectives. (4) Develop programs to achieve goals. (5) Create budget to fund programs. (6) Assess results.
What are the five main teaching styles?
According to Grasha, there are five main teaching styles. These are: Expert: An educator who possesses knowledge of a particular subject and challenges each student in that subject. Formal authority: An educator who prefers a set of standard and acceptable procedures. Personal model: An educator who leads by example. Facilitator: An educator who encourages the students to be independent and serves only as a consultant as the process unfolds. Delegator: An educator who encourages autonomy.
Long lasting fund
Ed Services, Avid, PTLW are what kind of budgets?
Program budgets
Project detaild, salaries, benefits are part of this budget.
Line Item Budget
Where the district’s vision lies is where the money goes…Salaries…What type of budget?
Priority based budget
Merit or “If you reach this goal, you get this much $). What type of budget?
Performance Budget
If you don’t ask for it, you don’t get the $
Zero based budgeting