Flash Cards 20 words
Collective noun
A word referring to a group
E.g swarm
Proper noun
The name of people and places e.g. the Big Ben
A word used to replace it noun
A word that relates to others to each other e.g. he sat behind me
A doing word of being word
A word used to link center says phrases or words eg and , but
A word with a meaning opposite to another word e.g. hot cold
A word to the same of a very similar meaning to another word e.g. quick fast
Common Noun
A word for somebody or something
A group of letters added to the beginning of a word
Root word
A word to which prefix or suffix is can be added to make another word we.g. quickly
A word or words that join clauses or sentences
A group of letters added to the end of a word
Compound word
A word made up of two other words e.g. football
Personal pronoun
A pronoun the used when writing about it ourselves e.g. I, you
A word gives extra meaning to a verb
More than one.
You need to add ‘s’ to the end of the word. For the exceptions to the rule please check definitions for plural 1 and 2
A word that has the same sound as another but a different meaning a spelling e.g. Right, write
A word that describes somebody or something
Contractions are words that have letters missing. An apostrophe shows where the letters have been missed.
Apostrophes replace the missing letters.
E.g Can not goes to can’t
Give three examples of a prefix
An Ante Anti Auto Circum Co Com Con Contra Contro De Dis Ex Extra Hetero Homo Homeo Hyper il Im In Ir Inter Intra intro Macro Micro Mono Non Omni Post Pre Pro Sub Sym Syn Trans Tri Un Uni
Give three examples of a suffix
Ly Ful Ment Ure Able Ence Ance Ship Age Al Ous ist Ing
Plural- Rule 1
When a word ends in s, x, sh or ch, we add es to make it a plural.
Plural- Rule 2
When a word ends with ‘f’ or ‘fe’ we usually change the ‘f’ to a ‘v’and then add ‘es’ to make it plural.
Four examples of pronouns
He She They It This I My
Name 15 connective
So While But After So as to As well as However Because Furthermore Also Since Meanwhile When Until Therefore
When we can break words down into smaller units of sound
How many ‘beats’ in a word.
Words with a double consonant in them are split up.
E.g puppet = pup-pet = 2 syllables
Onomatopoeia is when the sound of the word is similar to the sound of the thing it describes.
E.g woof, clang, buzz, squeak….
Reported speech
What has been said without using the actual word or “
Group of words that act as a unit
A figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that are not alike but do have something in common.
e.g. the sky is sapphire blue
Abstract noun
A word referring to a concept or idea e.g. love
An abstract noun identifies things which cannot be physically touched but are things such as a state, idea, process or feeling.
E.g kindness
Adjectival phrase
A group of words describing an noun
E.g the final exam were unbelievably difficult
Possessive pronoun
A pronoun showing to whom something belongs e.g.mine, ours, his.
A word or letter string made up from the initial letters of other words
A word implying smallness
E.g drop droplet
A descriptive comparison in which a writer compares one thing to another using the words like or as e.g. He swims like a fish.
Present tense
The simple present tense is used for state such as feels and abilities that are true now.
Plural-Rule 3
If the word ends in -y you remove the y and add ‘ies’