Flash Cards 2
What are the types of logic games ?
1: Ordering (firm and squishy ) putting things in order
2: Buckets (putting things together )
(4): Procedure (rare , really easy )
• Nothing to do with logic •
(5): Drawing ( draw a picture)
6: Combo (2 or more of the first 3 things )
What are the steps on doing games ?
1: Get a grip (GAG RULE)
1) .Nature of game
2) .Who are all of the players ?
3) .Any hidden rules ?
2: Number translate , rewrite formal rules . ( don’t skip a rule . Understand the law )
3: Draw a picture (5 kinds only )
4: Inferences ( what logic games are about ABCDEF)
5:Destroy the questions (be careful )
A).Translate the call
-identify the issue
B).Do I already have the answer
C).if I do not ,PENCIL. ( Only when you don’t have the answer)
Pencil Protocol .redraw picture and add in all new Information from call .
D). Apply any relevant rule
1).Rules that have to do with what you’re being asked about
2.)Do I have the answer ? If not repeat .