Flash Cards 2
Consumer report, Furnishers are obligated to..
correct and update information, provide notice of disputes, notice of account closures, notice of delinquency within 90 days of being given to collectors, notice of identity theft
Consumer report, Financial institution, negative info to CRA, must also..
Give notice to the cusumer within 30 days ; there is a safe harbor if they have reasonable practices for doing so
Consumer report, Furnishers to provide a dispute process to consumers, T or F
Consumer report, Furnishers, dispute, re-investigation to be completed within..
30 days
Consumer report, Furnishers must have this in place, policies…
and procedures in place to handle disputes and ensure accuracy and integrity of information provided by CRAs
Who regulates the Consumer Report stuff, FACTA stuff
Red Flags rule is for what..
Identity theft
Investigative consumer report is what
a consumer report that includes information on your character and reputation; done through personal interviews
Investigative consumer reports, consumer has to be notified, and within 3 days of the request, T or F
Investigative consumer reports, users of it must..
must certify to the CRA that disclosures have been made and upon written request by consumer provide them with disclosures
Investigative consumer reports, safe harbor..
yes, if they have reasonable procedures in place to comply with the law
Investigative consumer reports, CRAs have to what before they start one..
get the required certifications and not violate the equal opportunity laws
Investigative consumer report, CRAs, negative info rules..
verify, can’t be included in subsequent reports unless re-verified
FCRA rule making outline
Dodd-Frank law transferred rule making to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
FCRA enforce outline
Enforcement is shared between the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the FTC
FCRA may also be enforced by whom
Functional regulators
FCRA and State Attorneys General have
State attorney generals have investigative and enforcement for consumers in their state
FCRA identity theft pre-emption
State laws aren’t pre-emptedy the FCRA for identity theft IF they are consistent with the FCRA
FCRA civil liability
yes, if found to knowingly and willingly done it, but Furnishers are generally exempt
What is FERPA
Family education rights and privacy act
FERPA is also called what
Buckley amendment
FERPA applies to what schools
Any school taking federal education funding
FERPA applies to what records
Education records
FERPA exceptions
Ancillary, Campus Police, Employment, Health Treatment, Alumni, Application, Peer Reviewed Papers
FERPA, access, how many days from the time of the request
Access granted within 45 days
FERPA, access exceptions
parent’s financial information, letters of recommendation
FERPA, access student signs waiver
admission or enrollment at another school, application for employment, honorary recommendation
FERPA, innacurate records to be fixed within..
a reasonable time
FERPA, what piece of information is never Directory Information
FERPA, how much time before publishing director information
a reasonable period of time
FERPA, directory info of former students may be disclosed without notice, T or F
FERPA, directory info, pior opt opt wishes to be honored after student graduates, T or F
FERPA, def of personal info
Name, names of family members, student or family addresses, SSN, student Id#, dates of birth, any other info that could be linked to a student with reasonable certainty
FERPA, how to long to maintain records records requesting access
for as long as the educational records themselves are maintained
FERPA, notice of rights, how often is the notice sent
At least annually
FERPA, who has enforcement authority
DOE, department of education
FERPA, funding can be pulled when..
compliance can’t be secured by voluntary means
FERPA, where to send complaints
Office of the Chief Privacy Officer, within 180 days of the violation
As a general rule, a student’s school health records are subject to FERPA not HIPAA, T or F
What is the TSR
Telemarketing Sales Rule, a phone, interstate call, purchase goods
The telemarketing industry is regulated by both..
TSR, seller definition
provides or arranges for others to provide services
TSR, telemarketer
initiatives or receives telephone calls
TSR exception
A non-profit making calls on its own behalf isn’t subject to the TSR
Telephone solicitation exception
someone gave express consent, established business relationship, non profit
Who must access the don not call list
both sellers and marketers
Call lists must be updated every x days
31 days
TSR, what practice is prohibited
Don not call list exceptions
Express consent, Established business relationship
Established business relationship def
transaction with 18 months, consumer inquirey or submitted an application within 3 months
Who may access the Do Not Call registry
Sellers, Telemarketers, Service Providers, Law Enforcement
TSR does have a safe harbor if..
procedures, trained, own DCL, downloaded DLC within 31 days, compliance checks, call made in error
Enforcement of the TSR is done by..
FTC at federal level, both private litigants and state attorney general at state level but must notify FTC
What is the TCPA
Telephone Consumer Protection Act
TSR, when to call
Between 8am - 9pm, unless they have permission/consent to do otherwise
Prompt disclosure
idmust be made ad the beginning of the call, entity of the seller, purpose for call, nature of good or service, no purchas necessary if prize involved
Prompt disclosure upsell
If upsell happens after the initial transaction, the upsell is considered a new call so all the disclosures have to be said again
Deceptive telemarketing practice if..
accept payment without disclosing the terms
Material terms can be communicated how..
orally or in writing, must be clear and conspicous
For charitable donations, telemarketers may not misrepresent
nature, purpose, mission, tax deductability, contribution, %, prize, affiliations, endorsements
When accepting payment for a charitiable donation other than credit or debit card, you must get ..
express verifiable authorization, written or oral, signature, voided check
Abandoned call..
live person within 2 seconds
Call abandon safe harbor
< 3% of calls abaondon, ring 4 times or 15 seconds, pre-recorded message, maintain records of compliance
TSR prohibits pre-recorded messages called robo calls, T or F
TRUE , unless there is express written consent
TSR consent applicability
it’s to a specific seller, does not extend to affiliates or marketing partners
Robo calls with epress written consent rules
ring 4 times or 15 seconds, recorded message within 2 seconds, opt out mechanism, terminate call once invoked, answering machine or vmail service
Robo call exception
made by a covered entity or business associate under HIPAA privacy rule
Robo texts are also prohibited, T or F
TSR, billing information, consent
Billing information can’t be sent without express informed consent
TSR, free to pay rules
Telemarketer to get at least 4 digits of the account number to be charged
TSR fradulent practices
unencrypted account numbers; payment for repair services unless time has already expired and seller proves results were achieved; payment for asset recovery less than 7 days…; advanced fee loans; payment for debt relief
TSR, caller Id
must include accurate caller ID
TSR, deceptive practice, credit card transaction
record a credit card not linked to a sale
TSR record keeping requirements
keep for a period of 2 years after produced / created
TSR record keeping, how many copies
just one, either by seller or telemarketer
TCPA is enforced by
FCC at federal level, private litigants and the states attorney general at state level but must notify FCC
State laws are not preempted by TCPA, T or F
True, they are not
State laws are not preempted by TSR, T or F
True, they are not
The right to financial privacy act doesn’t apply to …
Corporations or Partnerships larger than 5 people
The right to financial privacy act is suposed to ..
restrict government access to personal financial information
Right to financial privacy disclosure rules
consent, subpoena, warrant, formaly request from a federal agency
Right to financial privacy act, consent rules
not in excess of 3 months, authorization can be revoked prior to disclosure, to a specific document, identify the government authority, purpose for disclosure, customer’s rights
Right to financial privacy act, subpoena rules
quash in 10 days, 14 if mailing, government must have reason to believe the informaiton is relevant to a ligitimate law enforcement inquiry, customer gets a copy
Right to financial privacy act, warrant rules,
mail a copy of the search warrant to the customer within 90 days, court may delay the notification for 180 days
Right to financial privacy act, formal written request rules
is an option when no summons or subpoena is available
Right to financial privacy act, exemptions that apply to financial institutions
the exceptions are called suspicious activty reports (SARs)
Right to financial privacy act, exemptions in addition to SARs
A bank can give up your records to perfect a security interest, for bankruptcy, collect a debt, or for a government loan or benefit
The right to financial privacy act was ammended by the US Patriot Act
Right to financial privacy act, US Patriot Act, private cause of action heard in what court..
Federal court
Katz v. United States
warrant for a wire tap
Plamondon (Keith case)
4th ammendment warrant requirements intersected with national security
Artical II Constitution, President has …
Plenary power or foreign affairs
Domestic surveillance is subject to what..
4th amendment warrant requirements, only applies to US citizens
What is FISA
Foreign intelligence serveillance act, engage in surveillance for national security
FISA revised by US Patriot Act
to fight terrorism, demanded more detailed reporting, more transparency
Edward Snowden released documents led to what..
US Freedom Act which ended bulk record collecting
FISC is what
Foreign intelligence surveillance court
FISC is composed of what
11 judges appointed by the chief justice, judges serve for 7 years
FISC friend of the cour
amicus curiae, US Freedom Act
Attorney General to review every application for what
a FISA order before it is submitted to the FISC
FISA order needs what to be issued
probable cause, foreign power or agent of a foreign power
FISA application process
minimization procedures, significant purpose
FISA order also permit..
pen registers, trap and trace
FISA application denials can be appealed to ..
court of review, if that is denied then the supreme court
Color of law is what..
appearance of lawful power when you don’t have it, it’s a criminal offense
US Patriot Act, any tangible thing
anyting that would advance the investigation into foreign intelligence
Any tangible thing, recipients of the order..
are prohibited to disclose they have the order
Any tangible thing,
people complying are immune from liability
US Patriot Act, intercept computer communications if..
owner gives consent, official investigation, content relevant to investigation, interception doesn’t get comms other than those transmitted
Foreign intelligence info of persons outside the US..
Can be done, 1 year, Attorney General and Dir of National Intelligence must authorize it
Foreign intelligence info of persons outside the US, once approved..
FISC to review and approve, has to meet minimization and targeting rules
Upstream surveillance is what
information from internet backbone, the physical infrastructure
PRISM or Downstream surveillance is what
information from internet companies
After the fact surveillance disclosures aren’t permitted, T or F
Amicus curiae from the US Patriot Act was permitted to what..
increase transparency
Surveillance reporting…
Congress mandated a bunch of reporting around the number of FISA orders and NSLs; this was added as a requirement to the US Freedom Act
Civil proceedings rules are called..
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP)
Discovery devices
Requests for production, Depositions, Interrogatories, Requests for admission, Subpoena
Subpoena must have
the court, title, person, rules to challenge
All discovery devices must be personally served, T or F
What is privilege
Not to disclose information
Discovery rule changes.. why
for electronic information
New discovery rules now include what
emails, databases, server logs, text messages, voicemails, thumb drives, etc.
Sedona conference
best practices for e-discovery, data management, data retention, information governance
Aerospaciale, comity analysis
importance, specificity, originated in the U.S., alternative means, non compliance undermine U.S. interests
Filing suite in a U.S. court means..
subject yourself to U.S. rules
Sedona conference, act in good faith
get out of jail free card
Lewy v. Remington Arms
Sedona conference, good example of good faith
Sedona conf, business judgement rule
corp decisions are made in the best interests of the corporation
Attorney’s eyes only
prevent private information from being disclosed
What is a protective order
prevents information disclosure
Rule 26 of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP)
permits a protective order, annoyance, embarrassment, etc.
Rule 5.2 of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP)
Redaction of specific information
At will
relationship between employee and employer
At will, can be modified with
a contract
Contract between the employer and the labor union
collective bargaining agreement
Governament employers have to worry about
constitutional provisions in the workplace
SEC law, disclose salaries of..
certain C-level executives, public companies
Consumer reports and the workplace…
Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), how consumer reports are used
Background checks are included in what law
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), regulated by the FTC